Solr and search - ckan/ckan GitHub Wiki

TODO: this page is just a stub

CKAN uses Solr to index datasets metadata and perform queries. The package_search action queries Solr under the hood, but so do others like organization_show that need to retrieve lists of datasets.

Solr Versions

As of CKAN 2.10, the version of Solr supported is Solr 8 (Make sure to use at least Solr 8.11.1 to avoid the Log4J vulnerability). CKAN 2.9 supports Solr 6 and 8, but we encourage you use Solr 8. You can find more details and installation methods here:

The Solr schema

  • Fields, indexed or stored, multivalued (not a list of fields, just what it means)
  • Catch-all, dynamic fields
  • Default operator
  • Customizing the schema


Default parameters sent

 'q', 'fl', 'fq', 'rows', 'sort', 'start', 'wt', 'qf', 'bf', 'boost',                                                                                                                                                                                                           
 'facet', 'facet.mincount', 'facet.limit', 'facet.field',                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
 'extras', 'fq_list', 'tie', 'defType', 'mm', 'df' 



IPackageController.before_search() + search extras (ext_ parameters)
