aws - cirelledo-csa/herd GitHub Wiki
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services AWS is a global compute services provider
Why use AWS Services?
Because they are services! Generally any Amazon service that provides the technical requirements you need will probably be better than anything you build for reasons of:
- availability
- capability
- consistency
- convenience
- cost
- full stack integration
- scale
- standing on the shoulders of giants
Always use the native AWS services unless there is a compelling
technical reason not to. This is how we're used to running this is not a
compelling technical reason. Some examples are:
use AWS RDS instead of deploying a database on ec2.
use AWS developer tools tools for CI/CD.
use AWS directory service instead of deploying ldap on ec2.
Want to be a good AWS rancher?
Respect the well architected frame work provided by AWS.
Cattle not Pets aka Immutable Cattle.
Treat infrastructure like it's software.
Don't rely on static resources.
Where do we graze our cattle?
AWS has regions
distributed across the globe. Our default region is us-west-2 (oregon) because
it's cheap and fast. us-east-1 always has the services running in us-west-2.
us-east-2 is probably also ok for DR. Use multiple availability zones within a
region for durability but remember availability can come at the expense of cost.
Herd Management
AWS is thoroughly documented
Don't be shy about asking for advice.
Ask your peers.
Ask AWS for advice.
Second opinions can be of great help.
Don't assume you know everything about AWS Services.
- There are too many and they continue to grow in breadth and depth with surprising new features.
We want a multi account strategy that makes it easy for us to create and manage will architected applications. Some issues to think about:
- blast radius
- separation of function
- product inventory
- cost allocation
Account creation and configuration
Use AWS control tower as the only way to control account creation and configuration
Record and enforce configuration state in each AWS region with AWS config service.
Create accounts within AWS Organizations Service
Use ServiceControlPolicies to limit services as needed.
We should probably have prod vs not prod organization
name accounts sensibly, $Product$Environment
tag accounts sensibly, $Product, $Environment, $Owner
Products map to Product owners, eg $Product@$HostedZone is an alias to a team led by a product owner
Use account name for root email contact $Product$Environment@$HostedZone
Create shared services account(s) for core functions like AD, logging, network, security, etc.
- which account(s) hosts shared services?
run non production products in non production accounts
no sharing of accounts for separate production products
production products run in dedicated production accounts
restrict access to production accounts as much as possible
create a role that allows a build account to deploy production workloads
do NOT allow humans to directly change production workloads
- grant developers access to change almost everything in a dev account
- consider using burner poc accounts for poc - burner accounts should be incinerated after some period of time
- product owners/developers are responsible for what they create in their accounts
- A central service build account should compile code and deploy versions of a product to target accounts
- cross account deployment details
Infrastructure as code
Deploy all AWS services using CloudFormation service. You read that right, use a service to deploy a service! This can lead to the interesting situation of using a service to deploy itself resulting in nested CloudFormation stacks.
A few things can not be created via cloudformation, but most everything can
- use awscli for these exceptions.
Use code to orchestrate cloudformaton creation and deployment:
cloudformation stacks should have useful outputs
Store your cloudformation code in git, eg:
Store code that creates cloudformation in git
Store parameters in secrets manager or parameter store
If it moves log it! Log everything to AWS an service:
Log all AWS api calls in all regions of all accounts to an S3 bucket with AWS cloudtrail service
- you can replicate cloudtrail to multiple buckets if needed.
- enforce cloudtrail checksum so you know the veracity of the logs.
Record network traffic in every VPC with the AWS flowlogs service
- use root hosted zones in a DNS account
- delegate hosted zones for accounts $account-name.$hostedzoneroot
use AWS Transit Gateway to centralize networking and provide a scalable consistent network architecture for all accounts.
- which account host transit gateway?
use AWS vpcs to isolate applications
Security, Identity & Compliance
Use native AWS security, identity and compiance services:
Hint, consult AWS IAM best practices
mfa protection for everything (as much as possible)
root mfa protection with a hardware token stored in a secure locked location
log use of hardware token
mfa protection for all human assumed roles
Deploy AWS Security Hub in all accounts and aggregate in central security account
- ensure accounts are CIS compliant
Store secrets in AWS SecretsManager service
Analyse cloudtrail, network traffic and DNS activity with the AWS guardduty service
Consult the AWS trusted advisor service
Scan ec2 instances with AWS inspector service
Scan s3 contents as needed with macie
Access to AWS should use AWS SingleSignOn service based on our corporate Active Directory service using IdentityFederation
Use the native AWS CertificateManager service for public and private certs
Non production application endpoints are allowed to use internal wildcard certificates
Production applications will have dedicated certs created for $your_app.$domain
Encrypt everything using AWS Key Management service