SSH server - chowette/Lua-RTOS-ESP32 GitHub Wiki
Lua RTOS include a port of the well-known dropbear SSH server. This allow to establish secure shell connections to any Lua RTOS device, with minimal RAM requirements.
Notes about the dropbear port:
- Only 1 client connection is allowed.
- Only the root user is allowed.
- The server keys are created on the fly the first time that dropbear starts.
- SCP transfers are not supported by now.
- Remote SSH command execution are not supported by now.
How to use:
Set your device's root password:
/> os.pass()
or (if shell is enabled in your device):
/> passwd
Initiate a network as usual (wifi or ethernet), and get your device's ip address:
/> net.eth.setup(.....) /> net.eth.start()
/> net.stat()
or (if shell is enabled in your device):
/> netstat
Start the ssh server:
/> net.service.ssh.start()
From you desktop computer connect to your device through a ssh client:
$ ssh root@device-ip