Contributors - chewiebug/GCViewer GitHub Wiki

There are different fields of work where help would be appreciated:

Fixing bugs / adding new features

Did you find a bug and would like to fix it yourself? Do you have a new parser to contribute? Some other idea on features gcviewer is missing?

The fastest way to start contributing code, is to fork this repository and commit your fixes. If possible, please add unittests to your contributions. As soon as you think, all is ready for integration into the main code base, send me a pull request. You just need your own account on github.

If you plan to work on a bigger change, I would appreciate a note in advance (file an issue explaining what you intend to do). It will be easier to integrate if you are the only one working on a particular part of the code.

If you would like to read a bit more on contributions to a github project, I recommend the description the jQuerys developers made.

Documenting features

As you may have noticed, documentation of the features of gcviewer is not much present yet. If you know gcviewer well and would like to add to the documentation, please let me know (use gcviewer-info Mailinglist).