026.1 Modifying Feature component - chempkovsky/CS82ANGULAR GitHub Wiki


  • we have already created one feature component
  • we have created one more Lform for PhbkEnterpriseView
  • here we will add Lform for PhbkEnterpriseView into SimpleDictionary-feature

Modifying SimpleDictionary feature

16 Run FeatureScripts Wizard

  • repeat the steps described in the article

First page of the Wizard

  • repeat the steps described in the article

Second page of the Wizard

  • repeat the steps described in the article

Third page of the Wizard

  • On the third page of the Wizard
    • select SimpleDictionary-feature
    • Click Update Button
Click to show the picture

project structure

Feature Dialog

  • On the Feature Dialog of the Wizard
    • Enter the SimpleDictionary-name
    • Check the following components for PhbkPhoneTypeView-View
      • 01600
      • 01920
      • 02100
    • Check the following components for PhbkEnterpriseView-View
      • 01600
    • Click Save-button
Click to show the picture

project structure

Third page of the Wizard again

  • On the Third page
    • reorder the components of the feature
    • click Next-Button
Click to show the picture

project structure

Repeat the steps

Test SimpleDictionary feature Component

Run PhBkWebApp

  • With Visual Studio 2022 launch PhBkWebApp-app

Run Angular App

  • save changes of the app-routing.module.ts- file
  • save changes of the app.component.html-file
  • with Visual Studio Code open the terminal and run the command
ng serve -o
  • Here is a result
Click to show the picture

project structure

  • each component inside the feature can be expanded and collapsed
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