U1.55 Ubuntu Quick Start %28QS%29%3A RabbitMQ Kubernetes infrastructure with Topology Operator. - chempkovsky/CS2WPF-and-CS2XAMARIN GitHub Wiki

We start with

RabbitMQ cluster name and Namespace

  • RabbitMQ cluster name = rbmq-tst-clstr
  • RabbitMQ cluster Namespace = rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc

API Reference

Virtual Host

Create Virtual Host

kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
apiVersion: rabbitmq.com/v1beta1
kind: Vhost
  name: rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost-mtdt
  namespace: rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc
  name: rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost
    name: rbmq-tst-clstr

Get a list of Virtual Hosts

yury@u2004s01:~$ kubectl get vhost -n  rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc
NAME                        AGE
rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost-mtdt   55s

Delete Virtual Host

kubectl delete -f- <<EOF
apiVersion: rabbitmq.com/v1beta1
kind: Vhost
  name: rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost-mtdt
  namespace: rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc
  name: rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost
    name: rbmq-tst-clstr

Virtual Host Limits

rabbitmqctl set_vhost_limits -p vhost_name '{"max-connections": 256}'
rabbitmqctl set_vhost_limits -p vhost_name '{"max-queues": 1024}'
Install krew which is unuseful
  set -x; cd "$(mktemp -d)" &&
  OS="$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" &&
  ARCH="$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/amd64/' -e 's/\(arm\)\(64\)\?.*/\1\2/' -e 's/aarch64$/arm64/')" &&
  KREW="krew-${OS}_${ARCH}" &&
  curl -fsSLO "https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew/releases/latest/download/${KREW}.tar.gz" &&
  tar zxvf "${KREW}.tar.gz" &&
  ./"${KREW}" install krew
  • for u2004s01
export PATH="${KREW_ROOT:-$HOME/.krew}/bin:$PATH"
Install RabbitMQ Cluster Operator Plugin
  • for u2004s01
kubectl krew install rabbitmq
Get cluster info with a Plugin
  • To test our plugin or make sure it works
    • for u2004s01
yury@u2004s01:~$ kubectl rabbitmq -n rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc get rbmq-tst-clstr
NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/rbmq-tst-clstr-server-0   1/1     Running   0          18h
pod/rbmq-tst-clstr-server-1   1/1     Running   0          18h

NAME                                    DATA   AGE
configmap/rbmq-tst-clstr-plugins-conf   1      18h
configmap/rbmq-tst-clstr-server-conf    2      18h

NAME                                     READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/rbmq-tst-clstr-server   2/2     18h

NAME                           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                        AGE
service/rbmq-tst-clstr         ClusterIP   <none>        5672/TCP,15672/TCP,15692/TCP   18h
service/rbmq-tst-clstr-nodes   ClusterIP   None             <none>        4369/TCP,25672/TCP             18h

NAME                                  TYPE     DATA   AGE
secret/rbmq-tst-clstr-default-user    Opaque   7      18h
secret/rbmq-tst-clstr-erlang-cookie   Opaque   1      18h
Set Virtual Host Limits
  • It does not work
  • for u2004s01
kubectl rabbitmq -n rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc set_vhost_limits rbmq-tst-clstr '{"max-connections": -1, "max-queues": -1}'
Management UI which is useful
  • Note: RabbitMQ is a statefull set, so we can use Management UI to change the settings inside the cluster
  • read the article Management UI
    • TLS is required in this case
kubectl exec which is useful
  • Note: RabbitMQ is a statefull set, so we can use rabbitmqctl to change the settings inside the cluster
  • for u2004s01
yury@u2004s01:~$ kubectl exec --stdin --tty rbmq-tst-clstr-server-0 -n rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc -- /bin/bash
Defaulted container "rabbitmq" out of: rabbitmq, setup-container (init)

rabbitmq@rbmq-tst-clstr-server-0:/$ rabbitmqctl set_vhost_limits -p rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost '{"max-connections": 256}'
Setting vhost limits to "{"max-connections": 256}" for vhost "rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost" ...

rabbitmq@rbmq-tst-clstr-server-0:/$ rabbitmqctl set_vhost_limits -p rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost '{"max-queues": 100}'
Setting vhost limits to "{"max-queues": 100}" for vhost "rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost" ...

rabbitmq@rbmq-tst-clstr-server-0:/$ rabbitmqctl set_vhost_limits -p rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost '{"max-connections": 25, "max-queues": 30}'
Setting vhost limits to "{"max-connections": 25, "max-queues": 30}" for vhost "rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost" ...

rabbitmq@rbmq-tst-clstr-server-0:/$ exit
  • read the article limitations
    • We must be careful with direct modification of the RabbitMQ cluster with kubectl exec
      • new testvhost has been created with rabbitmqctl add_vhost testvhost
        • but testvhost is not visible to Kubernetes
        • for u2004s01
yury@u2004s01:~$ kubectl exec --stdin --tty rbmq-tst-clstr-server-0 -n rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc -- /bin/bash
Defaulted container "rabbitmq" out of: rabbitmq, setup-container (init)
rabbitmq@rbmq-tst-clstr-server-0:/$ rabbitmqctl add_vhost testvhost
Adding vhost "testvhost" ...
rabbitmq@rbmq-tst-clstr-server-0:/$ exit
yury@u2004s01:~$ kubectl get vhost -n  rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc
NAME                        AGE
rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost-mtdt   16h


Create Queue

  • we do use spec.type as they recommend
    • Note that it's not recommended setting optional queue arguments on queues directly. Once set, queue properties cannot be changed. Use policies instead.
    • Most optional arguments can be dynamically changed after queue declaration but there are exceptions. For example, queue type (x-queue-type) and max number of queue priorities (x-max-priority) must be set at queue declaration time and cannot be changed after that.
  • for u2004s01 create a classic Queue with a name rabbit@rbmq-tst-clstr-server-0.rbmq-tst-clstr-nodes.rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc
kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
apiVersion: rabbitmq.com/v1beta1
kind: Queue
  name: rbmq-tst-clstr-queue-mtdt
  namespace: rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc
  name: rbmq-tst-clstr-queue
  type: classic
  vhost: rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost
  autoDelete: false
  durable: true
    name: rbmq-tst-clstr

Get a list of Queues

  • for u2004s01
yury@u2004s01:~$ kubectl get queues -n rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc
NAME                        AGE
rbmq-tst-clstr-queue-mtdt   5m52s

Delete Queue

  • for u2004s01
kubectl delete -f- <<EOF
apiVersion: rabbitmq.com/v1beta1
kind: Queue
  name: rbmq-tst-clstr-queue-mtdt
  namespace: rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc
  name: rbmq-tst-clstr-queue
  type: classic
  vhost: rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost
  autoDelete: false
  durable: true
    name: rbmq-tst-clstr


Create Policy

kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
apiVersion: rabbitmq.com/v1beta1
kind: Policy
  name: rbmq-tst-clstr-queue-policy-mtdt
  namespace: rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc
  name: rbmq-tst-clstr-queue-policy
  vhost: rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost
  pattern: "=rbmq-tst-clstr-queue"
  applyTo: "queues"
    max-length: 100
    name: rbmq-tst-clstr

Get a list of Policies

yury@u2004s01:~$ kubectl get policy -n  rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc
NAME                               AGE
rbmq-tst-clstr-queue-policy-mtdt   22m

Delete Policy

kubectl delete -f- <<EOF
apiVersion: rabbitmq.com/v1beta1
kind: Policy
  name: rbmq-tst-clstr-queue-policy-mtdt
  namespace: rbmq-tst-clstr-nmspc
  name: rbmq-tst-clstr-queue-policy
  vhost: rbmq-tst-clstr-vhost
  pattern: "=rbmq-tst-clstr-queue"
  applyTo: "queues"
    max-length: 100
    name: rbmq-tst-clstr

Available Policies

  • The simplest method is as follows:
    • Open Management UI
      • Go to Admin/Policies-page
        • This page helps with a policy-names and policy-value-types for
          • Queues
          • Classic queues
          • Quorum queues
          • Exchanges
          • Federations

Exchanges and Bindings

  • read the article Exchanges and Bindings
  • read the article API Reference: Exchange
  • read the article API Reference: Binding
  • Common case:
      1. Declare Exchange of type=topic
      1. Declare a list of bindings to any number of Queues we need
      1. Create one (or more) consumers for each Queue of step 2
      1. With Exchange we push the Message
      1. Each Consumer (of step 3) pulls its copy of the Message
    • Disadvantage: A separate copy of the same Message will be created for each Queue of step 2

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