E1.22 Php Symfony Security Step 3: Generate EF entities and context (Wpf, Xamarin, Angular SPA, Reactjs SPA) - chempkovsky/CS2WPF-and-CS2XAMARIN GitHub Wiki

Note 1:

To get Wizards ready we need EF entities and context. We have already discussed that EF classes is not a coding tool. They are part of a modeling tool.

Note 2:

For now we only have "LitDbContext". We will use it to generate security entities and context.

Create folders for EF entities and context

  • With Visual Studion under projects which are used for entities and contexts we create new folders.
    • In our solution we use Dm01Entity-project for EF entities
      • "AspNetForPhp" will be the name for out temporary classes
    • In our solution we use Dm02Context-project for db-contexts
      • "AspNetForPhp" will be the name for out temporary classes


Generate Entities

  • With Visual Studion right click "AspNetForPhp"-folder of the Dm01Entity-project and run #4 Wpf Forms Wizard
  • On the first page click "Next"-button


  • On the second page select "LitDbContext" click "Next"-button


  • On the third page select "==Context==" click "Next"-button


  • On the fourth page select "==Context==" click "Next"-button


  • On the fifth page click "Batch"-button


  • In the dialog select "00140-AspNetEntities.json" and click "start"-button


Generate dbContext

  • With Visual Studion right click "AspNetForPhp"-folder of the Dm01Entity-project and run #4 Wpf Forms Wizard reppeat the steps above and run "00150-AspNetDbContextPhpDev.json"-batch

  • Here is a result


(00140-AspNetEntities.json vs. 00140-AspNetEntitiesProd.json) and (00150-AspNetDbContextPhpDev.json vs. 00160-AspNetDbContextPhpProd.json)

00140-AspNetEntities.json batch script generates aspnetusermask-entity. This is just a helper class for which no database table should be created. aspnetusermask plays important role as a modeling tool and nothing more. After defining ModelViews for the entities and dbcontext generated by the (00140-AspNetEntities.json + 00150-AspNetDbContextPhpDev.json)-pair you can remove these callses from the project. It is assumed that tables on the SQL server will be created by php tools. The data in these tables will be accessed by php controllers.

But, if you are going to create tables on SQL-server using EntityFramework you should regenerate classes with a (00140-AspNetEntitiesProd.json + 00160-AspNetDbContextPhpProd.json)-pair. Again, it should be done only after defining ModelViews for the classes generated by a (00140-AspNetEntities.json + 00150-AspNetDbContextPhpDev.json)-pair of batch scrripts.