E1.21 Php Symfony Security Step 2: Creating User class (Wpf, Xamarin, Angular SPA, Reactjs SPA) - chempkovsky/CS2WPF-and-CS2XAMARIN GitHub Wiki

1. Run "cmd"

2. Inside cmd window run the command

cd c:\dev\PhpLit

3. Inside cmd window run the command

php bin/console make:user
3.1. Username
  • Set Username=AspnetuserViewEntityUpd
3.2 Store user data in the database (via Doctrine)
  • Store user data in the database (via Doctrine) = yes
3.3 Property name that will be the unique "display" name for the user
  • Property name that will be the unique "display" name for the user = username
3.3 Needs to hash/check user passwords
  • Needs to hash/check user passwords = yes


Username (AspnetuserViewEntityUpd), unique name (username), using database (via Doctrine yes) must be exactly as shown above.

  • Having "aspnetuserView"-ViewModel our generator creates the name: AspnetuserViewEntityUpd. It is why User-class has such a strange name.
  • username is hardcoded in the generator scripts.