policyfiles - chef-boneyard/chef-summit-2014 GitHub Wiki

Session Title

Wednesday, Strategy, 13:30

  • Daniel Deleo / Facilitator
  • Scott Russell


Summary of Discussions

Policy files

run_list "java", "jenkins::master", "recipe[policyfile_demo]"

directly specify role attributes in this file. Cool stuff arriving in the future.
NO attributes section yet, but coming Cookbook_locks, Identifier, hash of the content, in addition to the version number. Then you don't have to use the version number anymore, but you can. In effect you use the hash,

Workaround, put this policy file into a databag, and use a s dotted_decimal_identifier, ugly workaround, ( pull request 20? ). warning experimental feature

policy groups instead of environments.

Config file contains

UsePolicyfile true

All code above is here

Policy files fix a whole set of problems around versioning of environments and roles.

policy file can constrain what you run.


do the cookbooks become hash aware, do you use semver, etc. Cookbook version dependencies will continue to use semver. How do you decide which version of multiple versions

The latest version of the latest version? How do you decide? Do you get the

This would negate run lists on the client?

So, the run list is now an output, not an input.

What will we do now? What needs to happen next?

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