Using Chef with Java Apps - chef-boneyard/chef-summit-2014 GitHub Wiki

Using Chef with Java Apps

2014/10/03, Kirkland, 10:00


Eric Helgeson


Summary of Discussions

RPM Management - WARs, Jars

Many using embedded jetty/tomcat instead of deploying a container

How to use consul and chef with jboss cluster, etc

Using weblogic/jboss clustering having a seed node - could have zookeeper have locks

Orchestration primitives in chef?

Get rid of state-full apps.

jboss -

barista - Java chef-server

chef-client - jruby - iffify ?

Store cookbooks next to the application, parse out version so cookbooks and versions are equal.

ALM - Lifecycle management Collect metrics on everything, deploys, etc

one box testing with production

deep healthchecks, check routes, use serverspec/minitest/etc to checks in all env, even prod.

Java selfdiagnose/ dropwizard/ jmxtrans

load balancing - Chef Metal LB ELBs/HAProxy/Nginx with chef searches, etc.

Microservices gives a greater flexibility to deployments instead of monolithic apps.

Chef - Whole stack, Jira, git, etc.

Culture - Dave Farley - Co-auther of Continuous Delivery book, developed CD practices at high-speed trading firms. LMAX & Getco. Hard to get more regulated than that.

Version your APIs, and don't change the contract. Client code generated.

Vagrant boxes for developers to resolve issues.

What will we do now? What needs to happen next?

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