Supermarket behind the firewall - chef-boneyard/chef-summit-2014 GitHub Wiki


Thursday, Greenwood, 11:30


Steve Wagner, David Echols, Chris Webber


~30 in attendance

Summary of Discussions

Small number already installing Supermarket behind the firewall.

Make the experience so running Supermarket isn't a job, just something you turn on.

THE Supermarket is hosted on AWS (for those that want to know that)

OC-ID, OAuth2 provider library used by Supermarket to get Auth from a Chef Server. That Auth is used to get your public key from Chef Server to authenticate yourself to upload to Supermarket.

Add ability for adding CSS (custom imaging or coloring) to internal Supermarket so it is crystal clear you're not on public site.

Uses for Supermarket

Replace endpoint for Berkshelf API, if not using Git. Distributed teams, looking at published cookbooks vs source code Validation of cookbooks Add Google Analytics to discover who at your Large Corporation is browsing the Supermarket

What is not delightful in Supermarket

Support for mirroring. For geographic latency solving and/or to put all of community behind the firewall.

Uploading to internal Supermarket, not clear if upload command going to public Supermarket. Comes down to using the proper knife.rb. Same sort of problem faced when using muiltple Chef servers. Be explicit vs. implicit. Maybe a line in the metadata.rb stating intended Supermarket/Server - private = true or such. Issue being logged in Supermarket project.

Running a single Supermarket with multiple Chef Servers. Supermarket's OC-ID usage is configured against a single Chef Server. So many Chef servers to a single Chef Server is currently a problem. Solutions being discussed.

How to handle namespace collision with public Supermarket. Requires manual effort to prevent uploading a Jenkins cookbook and no longer seeing community cookbook. In Berksfile putting community endpoint first, so a private Jenkins would not get resolved. It is a documentation thing to share and make known.

What will we do now? What needs to happen next?

Omnibus installer of Supermarket coming (apt-get/yum install)

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