Spiceweasel_3 - chef-boneyard/chef-summit-2014 GitHub Wiki

Session Title



Matt Ray


Summary of Discussions

Spiceweasel 3 will change the focus from translating YAML, JSON or Ruby to "knife" commands to translating to Chef Metal recipes. It will remain a format for describing and deploying infrastructure and provide validation of the repository and listed components. It provides the ability to extract a manifest representing the existing repository. Spiceweasel 3 will provide tooling for converting Spiceweasel 2 manifests to Spiceweasel 3. Spiceweasel 3 manifests may eventually be used as a translation target for other infrastructure representations such as TOSCA, Terraform or even Visio.

The initial development will be heavily test-driven, focused on identifying how to translate Spiceweasel 2 manifests to 3 and to Chef Metal. The goal is to reuse the existing tests and utilize more existing Chef libraries and tools. The new format may be standardized as an "Infrafile".

Tests need to be written for individual classes, not just the output of the CLI. This will ensure a more library-like behavior.

What will we do now? What needs to happen next?

After the 2.8 release, development will start on a 3.0 branch.