Knife UI - chef-boneyard/chef-summit-2014 GitHub Wiki

Knife UI

Friday, Issaquah, 10:00am


Charles Johnson


Two groups:

First: Tyler Fitch, Claude

Second: Franklin, Shelton

Summary of Discussions

First discussion: Nobody showed so we all went to other rooms.

10 minutes later by chance we re-convened, two more people were interested in talking: Franklin: "knife cookbook create (cookbook)" that can't read knife.rb says it creates a cookbook, but doesn't create any folders.

Franklin: "Using knife upload/download does break the knife noun verb pattern. Something to be cognizant of."

Charles: "knife cookbook site could be knife supermarket."

Franklin: 'knife cookbook create' is a local command, but 'knife data bag create users' & similar are remote API calls. There's an inconsistency there.

Basic wrap:

  • Knife upload / download have some silent failure & success cases. Get those fixed.
  • Once those are in place, then knife ____ from file / knife cookbook (upload | download) should deprecate.
  • Get bug in to report knife cookbook create issue.
  • Replace the keyword 'knife cookbook site' with 'knife supermarket' for better differentiation.
  • Replace the keyword 'knife upload' with 'knife publish' to better connotate the truth of the action, "publishing" to Chef Server.

What will we do now? What needs to happen next?

  • Work on RFC to outline knife UI changes.
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