Chef Client and Server 12 - chef-boneyard/chef-summit-2014 GitHub Wiki

Chef Client/Server 12

2014/10/08, Metropolitan, 11:30



Summary of Discussions

What's new?

Interesting features

Parallelism/concurrency of resources, there's a PR. chef metal uses it.

Policy Files

  • roles, env, coobkbooks
  • Policyfiles take out all the version constraints of the environments knife promote to bump policy groups run_list expansion happens at workstation time, not client side
  • need chef-server 12 new cookbook storage first
  • chefdk 0.3.0 soon
  • RFC PR20
  • promotion workflows environment sub-clusters eg, production_*, policy groups?

Universe endpoint

Chef Server is mostly a infrastructure update.

Search - partial search hash not a node obj. not a sparse node object

What will we do now? What needs to happen next?

More communication on whats coming/new in Chef12, upgrade paths, server/client not released at same time, etc. Upgrade path for cookbook writers, what they should watch out for. Lots of raw material but as we get closer to release have more posts/blogs/etc on how to use the newness. Why client/server 12 are released at different times, etc.

Partial search returns a Hash or Node object, could be confusing, but played out in PR.