Running CxFlow as a Windows Service - checkmarx-ltd/cx-flow GitHub Wiki

CxFlow can be run as a Windows Service using the Windows Service Wrapper (winsw). Here's a step-by-step guide on how to run CxFlow as a Windows Service.

Download the Windows Service Wrapper from GitHub :
There are two executables available for download. Make sure you use the version corresponding to the .NET libraries installed in your server.
For Microsoft .Net (not .Net Core): Executing the following Powershell command will give you a version stamp that can be matched to Microsoft .Net Version information. Select an executable that is built for the installed version or lower.

(Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full").Release

For .Net Core: Execute the following command in Powershell:

dotnet --version

Rename the WinSW.NET.x.exe to CxFlow.exe

Move the CxFlow.exe to the directory where the CxFlow executable jar resides.

Create an XML configuration file for the Windows Service Wrapper
Example Configuration XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <description>CxFlow Windows Service</description>
    <arguments>-jar "cx-flow-1.X.jar" --spring.config.location=/path/to/application.yml --web</arguments>

If CxFlow needs to run as a specific service account, include the following section in the above XML configuration file.

    <domain>NT AUTHORITY</domain>

Execute CxFlow.exe
Where operation can be:

  • install to install the service to Windows Service Controller.
  • uninstall to uninstall the service. The opposite operation of above.
  • start to start the service. The service must have already been installed.
  • stop to stop the service.
  • restart to restart the service. If the service is not currently running, this command acts like start.
  • status to check the current status of the service.
    • This command prints one line to the console.
      • NonExistent indicates the service is not currently installed
      • Started to indicate the service is currently running
      • Stopped to indicate that the service is installed but not currently running.
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