Proxy and HTTPS Configuration - checkmarx-ltd/cx-flow GitHub Wiki

Proxy Config

CxFlow can use a proxy server for making HTTP/HTTPS connections to the internet by adding additional arguments to the startup command. Irrespective of which scan engine is used, the proxy configuration will remain the same.

The following arguments are required:

1)Using HTTP

http.proxyHost – the host or IP address of the proxy server.

http.proxyPort – the port used by the proxy server.

http.proxyUser - Optional and only needed if the proxy server needs authentication.

http.proxyPassword - Optional and only needed if the proxy server needs authentication.


2)Using HTTPS

https.proxyHost - the host or IP address of the proxy server.

https.proxyPort - the port used by the proxy server.

https.proxyUser - Optional and only needed if the proxy server needs authentication.

https.proxyPassword - Optional and only needed if the proxy server needs authentication.


Using only host and port

java -Dhttp.proxyPort=9595 -jar cxflow.jar <Additional-CxFlow-parameters>

Using host, port, user and password

java -Dhttp.proxyPort=9595 -Dhttp.proxyUser=<proxy user> -Dhttp.proxyPassword=<proxy password> -jar cxflow.jar <Additional-CxFlow-parameters>

HTTPS Config

To use CxFlow over HTTPS, an SSL certificate is required to be imported into a keystore.
See documentation on importing certificates here:

Self-Signed Certificates

To allow CxFlow to trust self-signed certificates, the parameter '--checkmarx.trustcerts = true' needs to be provided via command line when starting the cxflow.

java -Dhttp.proxyPort=9595 -jar cxflow.jar --checkmarx.trustcerts = true' <Additional-CxFlow-parameters>


CxFlow is a Springboot application driven by a YAML configuration file. CxFlow can be configured to run over HTTPS by updating the application.yml configuration file.
Edit the application.yml file and update the server section as follows:

    port: <desired_ssl_port - usually 443 or 8443>
        key-store: <keystore filename>
        key-store-password: <key/store password>
        key-store-type: { JKS | PKCS12 }
        key-alias: <key alias in the keystore>
          - TLSv1.3
          - TLSv1.2

Example Setup


  • JDK 8 installed
  • Windows Machine running CxFlow
    Open a CMD prompt and type the following
keytool -genkeypair -alias cxflow -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore C:\keystorecxflow.p12 -validity 3650
keytool -export -alias cxflow -keystore C:\keystorecxflow.p12 -rfc -file C:\cxflow.cert
//Import certificate to Windows Trust Store
certutil.exe -addstore root C:\cxflow.cert

Insert the following into the application.yml file

  port: 443
    key-store: C:\keystorecxflow.p12
    key-store-password: xxxxx
    key-store-type: PKCS12
    key-alias: cxflow
    - TLSv1.3
    - TLSv1.2

Using Custom KeyStore

To allow CXFlow to accept custom enterprise certificates without altering the default cacert, you can configure it to trust additional certificates by adding them to a custom trust store.
See documentation on importing certificates here:

Step 1 : Create Custom KeyStore

keytool -importcert -file <path-to-your-certificate> -keystore custom-truststore.jks -alias <your-alias>

Step 2 : Define Key store file path,Key Store password and enable custom keystore

  version: 9.4
  username: admin@cx
  truststorepath: C:\\Users\\abc\\OneDrive - Checkmarx\\Desktop\\certificate\\custom-truststore1.jks
  truststorepassword: satyam
  customkeystore: true

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