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  • Request details are mapped to a ScanRequest Object, which is referenced through every step and can have elements accessible in the bug tracker
    • If the request is received from a Repo Controller or Command line option for scanning the scan will be initiated in Checkmarx, and results will be retrieved once the scan is complete. If the bug-tracker is specified as NONE, it will not wait for results, and the process is complete
  • Results are mapped from Checkmarx to a ScanResult object, and this is passed to the ResultService for processing.
    • If a bug tracker other than JIRA, NONE, EMAIL, then the IssueService will invoke the bug-tracker that is specified that is in the bug-tracker-impl list. This value is directly linked to the name of a spring bean that performs the logic.

Creating a Custom Bug Tracker

  1. Create a Spring Boot Service Bean that implements the following Interface:

package com.checkmarx.flow.custom;
import com.checkmarx.flow.dto.Issue;
import com.checkmarx.flow.dto.ScanRequest;
import com.checkmarx.flow.dto.ScanResults;
import com.checkmarx.flow.exception.MachinaException;
import java.util.List;
public interface IssueTracker {
    void init(ScanRequest request, ScanResults results) throws MachinaException;
    void complete(ScanRequest request, ScanResults results) throws MachinaException;
    String getFalsePositiveLabel() throws MachinaException;
    List<Issue> getIssues(ScanRequest request) throws MachinaException;
    Issue createIssue(ScanResults.XIssue resultIssue, ScanRequest request) throws MachinaException;
    void closeIssue(Issue issue, ScanRequest request) throws MachinaException;
    Issue updateIssue(Issue issue, ScanResults.XIssue resultIssue, ScanRequest request) throws MachinaException;
    String getIssueKey(Issue issue, ScanRequest request);
    String getXIssueKey(ScanResults.XIssue issue, ScanRequest request);
    boolean isIssueClosed(Issue issue);
    boolean isIssueOpened(Issue issue);
  1. Ensure the Spring Boot Service Bean has a valid name that you will use to reference in the yaml configuration as a bug-tracker-impl - the following shows the Json service bean:

package com.checkmarx.flow.custom;
import com.checkmarx.flow.dto.Issue;
public class JsonIssueTracker implements IssueTracker {
    private static final Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonIssueTracker.class);
    private final JsonProperties properties;
    public JsonIssueTracker(JsonProperties properties) { = properties;
  1. Ensure the functions are functions are implemented accordingly
  2. Add the bean to the cx-flow yaml config block - you can see the reference the Json bean below:
  contact: [email protected]
  bug-tracker: Json
    - Json
  1. Ensure the bug-tracker is specified to be your new bean, if you wish for this to be the default. It can also be provided as an override through webhook url parameter (bug=Json), or on the command line (--cx-flow.bug-tracker=Json).

    Note This bean is case sensitive



Package Description
com.checkmarx.flow.config All bean configurations and Property file POJO mappings.
com.checkmarx.flow.controller All HTTP Endpoints. GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket WebHook services.
com.checkmarx.flow.dto Sub-packages contain all DTO objects for Checkmarx, GitHub, GitLab, etc.
com.checkmarx.flow.exception Exceptions
com.checkmarx.flow.filter Specify any filters applied to Web Traffic flow. Currently passthrough, but can be used for IP filtering.
com.checkmarx.flow.custom Contains any "custom" bean bug tracker implementations and property classes
com.checkmarx.flow.service Core logic. Each Issue tracker has a Service along with a main flowService, which drives the overall flow.
com.checkmarx.flow.utils Utilities package


Service Description
CxService SOAP Based API Client for Checkmarx
CxLegacyService REST Based API Client for Checkmarx
JiraIssueService REST Based API Client for Jira (JRJC - Jira Java REST Client)
GitHubService REST Based API Client GitHub
GitLabService REST Based API Client GitLab
ADOService REST Based API Client Azure DevOps
EmailService Email (SMTP) client
FlowService Main Service driving integrations with other Service components
BitbucketService TBD, this is not created yet.


Controller Description
GitHubController Ping, Push, Pull (TBD) event HTTP listeners
GitLabController Push, Merge (TBD) event HTTP listeners
BitbucketController Push event HTTP listener
ADOController Push/Pull event HTTP listener
FlowController Unused, but intended for Call-back implementations, rest invocation to retrieve results for a given project based on bug tracker implementation
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️