Visual Parking Lot - chan-sccp/chan-sccp GitHub Wiki

Visual Parking Lot

The visual parking lot feature allows a feature button to be assigned which opens a visual representation of the calls in a parking lot (if there are any). When one or more parking slots are occupied the button lamp (BLF) will light up to alert the user and indicate the parkinglot is in-use.

Parking Lot Screenshot

Basic Configuration

In the device section of sccp.conf, you can add a feature button like this:

button=feature, My Parking Lot, ParkingLot, default

It defines a new feature button with the name:"My Parking Lot", type:ParkingLot and connects it to the 'default' lot as defined in /etc/asterisk/features.conf. You can of course replace 'default' with any of the other custom parking lots, like 'parkinglot_edvina'

When a call is parked in this 'default' parking lot, the BLF light will start blinking. You can press the button and an XML menu with a list of all parked calls will be presented to the user.

Automatically Retrieve a Single Parked Call

If you like to automatically unpark the call, when there is only one parked call, instead of being presented with an XML menu to choose from, you can add the 'RetrieveSingle' flags to the end of the feature button definition, like so:

button=feature,Parking Lot, ParkingLot, default, RetrieveSingle