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Odd or Even


Write a program that asks for a number and outputs if the number is odd or even.


Give me a number: 5
> Your number 5 is an odd number.
  • Hint: What does Modulus do again?


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Guess the Number


Write a program that picks a random number from 1-10. Then ask a user to guess the number. Output if the guess was correct or not.


I'm thinking of a number between 1-10, what is it?  5
> Sorry, the number was 7.
  • Hint: There a library that can pick a random number.


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Rock Paper Scissors


Write a program that plays the game rock, paper, scissors with a user.

Have your program generate a random answer for the computer, but don't display it. Then, ask the player for their answer.

  • Paper wins over Rock
  • Rock wins over Scissors
  • Scissors win over Paper


Ready to play Rock Paper Scissors?
What do you pick?  Rock
> I choose Scissors.  You won!
  • Bonus: Do this in a loop. Best of 3.


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Planet Weights


You can calculate an individual's weight on another planet by multiplying their weight times the relative surface gravity of the other world.

Weight on Other Planet = Weight on Earth x Multiple of Earth’s Gravity

Design a Python program that asks a user for their name and weight. The program will greet the user by name and then calculate/display the user's weight on the other planets. Each item should be displayed on a line by itself.

Use the following values for the conversions

  • Body - Multiple of Earth's Gravity
  • Sun - 27.01
  • Mercury - .38
  • Venus - .91
  • Earth - 1
  • Moon - .166
  • Mars - .38
  • Jupiter - 2.34
  • Saturn - 1.06
  • Uranus - .92
  • Neptune - 1.19
  • Pluto - .06




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Tip Calculator


  • Given a tax rate of %8.75, prompt user for cost of a meal and how much to tip as a percentage.
  • Output to user this information.
    • Cost of meal
    • Cost of tax
    • Cost of tip
    • Total Meal Cost




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