Game Masters - cgloeckner/pyvtt GitHub Wiki

GMs Documentation

You are hear to learn more about all GM-related features of the VTT.


You can create games which requires you to drag-and-drop an image from your local file browser into the corresponding area. Consider the maximum file sizes (see Players Documentation). This will create a new game with a random URL. But this URL can be customized before dragging in an image.

Once you have created a game, there is dropdown menu on your GM-menu showing you your games. Click the thumbnail to get into the game. Copy and paste your browser's URL to your players to allow them to join.

A game can also be exported (see below) or deleted. Another option is to kick all players (this might be useful if a bug is preventing you or your players to join). Once you have joined your can, you can use the in-game features just like your players. Furthermore you can kick single players by hovering your mouse over their name and clicking the kick-icon.


When logged in as a GM, there is a dropdown menu showing you scenes. You can create a new scene, duplicate an existing one, delete a scene and just plain switching to another scenes. Once you switch scene, your players are moved there too.

Creating a new scene creates a blank scene without anything. Duplicating copies everything except the background image, so it can be set.

Exporting Games

You can export a single game as a ZIP-file containing all scenes and their tokens as well as images in use. Later you can import this game by dragging into the GM's upload area (see above on starting a game). Again the game's URL can be customized or left empty for a random one.