User Setup - cephi-sui/dotfiles GitHub Wiki
Configure the primary user.
useradd -m <username>
passwd <username>
Add user to sudoers, either through adding the user or uncommenting the wheel/sudo group lines and then adding the user to the group.
pacman -Syu sudo
EDITOR=vim visudo
Before starting this section, log in as a non-root user.
sudo pacman -Syu git
git config --global init.defaultBranch main
git config --global pull.rebase true
git config --global <username>
git config --global <email>
sudo pacman -Syu stow
git clone ~/.files
cd !$
mkdir ~/.config
stow .
cd ~/.files/install
sudo pacman -Syu pacman-contrib base-devel man-db man-pages texinfo wget curl unzip openssh btop htop nvtop speedtest-cli
This section could go in the System Setup section, but rustup
and paru
install on a per-user basis.
AUR helpers are not recommended, but are nice to have.
is the most popular and known-to-work. But paru
is written in Rust.
cd ~/.files/git
git clone && cd paru-bin
makepkg -si