Development - center-for-threat-informed-defense/cti-blueprints GitHub Wiki

Suggested Plugins

Here is a list of potential plugins that we believe would benefit the community.

  • OpenCTI Plugin This plugin would create the ability to pull indicators directly from OpenCTI into the Authoring Tool.

  • Malware Analysis Plugin This plugin would send malware hashes via an API to virtual sandboxes and return a link of the malware report, if one exists, to be embedded in the Authoring Tool.

  • Timeline Plugin This plugin would work with Tableau or another visualization tool to create a timeline graphic from the timeline fields.

  • Differential Analysis Plugin This plugin would take the IOCs entered into the Authoring Tool and search across the different repositories available, such as the TIP, SIEM, etc. and color code the IOCs based on which repository they were found or mark if they had never been seen before.

  • List Plugin This plugin would create the ability to store or recall a list, such as Intelligence Requirements or Actor Motivation, from a specified location.

If you would like to get involved, please feel free to submit your own plugin ideas, or help the community by developing them!