C# Api - cemuka/quill GitHub Wiki


Getting Started

Setting up is dead easy.

public class AppStartup : MonoBehaviour
    private void Start()

Quill does not require any resource or prefab. It initialize its canvas and checks for EventSystem. Any default object will be a child of this canvas.

Static Fields

Type Name get set
Canvas mainCanvas yes no
QuillElement mainCanvasElement yes no
Message message yes no
Font defaultFont yes yes

Static Methods

public static   void              Init()

public static   QuillElement      CreateEmpty()

public static   QuillLabel        CreateLabel(string text)

public static   QuillBox          CreateBox(Color color)

public static   QuillButton       CreateButton(string text)

public static   Vector2           MousePosition()


Every quill component actually a thin layer of its original unity class. That way you'll get the advantage of the base functionality.


Empty object.

var empty = Quill.CreateEmpty();
empty.SetSize(100, 100);
empty.SetAnchoredPosition(300, 300);

QuillElement and ElementRoot are base components of the quill. It's more like MonoBehaviour and Transform if you familiar with unity. Since RectTransform is a sealead class ElementRoot come in handy.

public class QuillElement : MonoBehaviour, IQuillElement
    public ElementRoot root { get; set; }
public class ElementRoot
    public RectTransform rectTransform;

    public void AddChild(IQuillElement element) 
        //  make the target as child of the rectTransform
        //  element is child
        //  recTransform is parent


Text object. Unity Manual

var label = Quill.CreateLabel("my label");
label.fontSize = 20;
public class QuillLabel : Text, IQuillElement


Image object. Unity Manual

var box = Quill.CreateBox(Color.green);
box.SetSize(300, 300);
box.SetAnchoredPosition(200, 200);
public class QuillBox : Image, IQuillElement


Button object. Unity Manual

var button = Quill.CreateButton("my awesome button");
button.box.color = Color.blue;
button.label.color = Color.yellow;
public class QuillButton : Button, IQuillElement
    public QuillLabel label;
    public QuillBox box;   


Provides a signal hub functionality.

//  dispatch message 
var data = new MessageData("ON_SCORE_EVENT");
data.container.Add("score", 3);
data.container.Add("player", "cemuka");
//  listen message 
private void OnEnable()

private void OnDestroy()

private void OnScore(MessageData data)
    if(data.id == "ON_SCORE_EVENT")
        //  handle score