switch - cellularmitosis/LTSpice-parts GitHub Wiki
LTspice comes with a symbol for a voltage-controlled switch, but it doesn't come with a model.
parts/switch/switch.mod supplies a basic model for this symbol.
How to use switch in LTSpice
LTSpice's voltage-controlled switch component is called sw.
Turning the switch on
The switch is controlled by voltage. To simulate the switch being turned on, we will control the switch with a PULSE voltage source.
The switch.mod model has a threshold voltage of 0.5 Volts, so we can turn it on by sending it 1 Volt.
Create the following circuit:
Save your LTSpice circuit. Copy parts/switch/switch.mod into the same directory where you saved your LTSpice circuit. Add the following .lib directive:
Simulate the circuit for 50 milliseconds:
Measure the voltage across the capacitor.
Turning the switch off
To turn the switch off, we specify a Ton time. Here, we will have the switch turn on at 10ms and turn off at 20ms.
LTSpice schematic
Here is the schematic used in this example: switch.asc.