Testimonials & Press - cdig/docs GitHub Wiki
See also Robyn's class-specific testimonials, including some LBS ones. Crystal also has collected testimonials in each certificates class list.
Any testimonials on this page, we have secured the freedom to use in marketing (etc).
W. Scott Arnold, M.D., April 2023
I am a physician who recently bought a compact track loader. The owner’s manual and shop manual left much to be desired to fully understand the machine. I became obsessed ,and your lessons gave me enough basic understanding of hydraulics to interpret the manuals and even write a review for other users. Now I need to get you to make similar interactive content for the centrifugal pump systems we use in cardiac surgery! Thanks for the wonderful teaching.
Chad R., Senior Design Supervisor, Aerials, Sept 2022
I've really enjoyed LunchBox Sessions with all the animations and reactive examples. Hard-to-understand things are made understandable. The Ten Step Troubleshooting Process is printed and posted at my desk. We troubleshoot a lot, and try to adhere to this process. I haven't gotten through all the lessons yet, but even if I did I love to go back and review items again. Also when real issues come up in the shop I like to review those lessons as well.
Ty W., Student, Aug 2022
Really enjoying LunchBox Sessions. As a TAFE student studying to be a plant mechanic, this is just what I need. It breaks things down into the simplest forms and actually correlates it with real world examples. I will be recommending this to anyone wanting to find quality information on hydraulics.
Bill Martin, Instructor, Hennepin Technical College, Apr 2020
With your fantastic materials I can now successfully teach the principles of load sense hydraulics in two hours where it used to take six. The students get it!
Frank Brown, Aerial Lift Technician, United Rentals, Apr 2020
I just wanted to let you know what an amazing tool the LunchBox Sessions are. I have a subscription to it now and I am really enjoying it. Great job!
Brad Bergsma, VP Information Technologies, Northwest Kansas Technical College, Mar 2020
We have found during this COVID online movement that we really like your product for our Precision Agriculture students. It is extremely interactive, the dashboards are great for watching activity, and the assessment is essential for us.
Kevin Gibson, Senior Mechanical / Hydraulic Designer, Kovatera, Mar 2020
I am a big fan of LunchBox Sessions and wanted to say thank you for the content you provide.
John Tudor, Director Strategy, New Product Development and Marketing, Oilgear, Feb 2020
The educational simulation work your team delivers is awesome.
John Pratt, Heavy Equipment Technician Educator, Feb 2020
I continue to marvel at the good stuff you are creating with your technology group. The colleges need to be using your stuff. The days of textbooks and institutional lectures are history. Your online interactive e-learning content is great. I keep sharing it with my connections. Your electronic animation capabilities are really improving. It’s really really impressive how you can show the flow now. Those visual affects are invaluable for training. You must have some pretty talented nerds on your team!
Trey Tellander, Motion and Flow Control Products, Jan 2020
Been a huge fan for a few years now and will continue to be for years to come. Your work is unparalleled. I appreciate that you do not spare details when modeling components and systems.
Braden Cohoe, Wainbee Limited, Jan 2020
I'm currently going through LunchBox Sessions and it’s a great learning resource. Way better than any other I have done. I’d recommend it to anyone starting out in hydraulics.
Mick Levitsky, HyPOWER Systems, Jan 2020
You guys do some outstanding simulations. Very impressive.
Laura McDermott, Heavy Equipment Mechanic, Herc Rentals, Jan 2020
Lunchbox Sessions has helped me in sooo many ways in the heavy equipment industry.
Bill McDaniel, Owner, Wamco Hydraulics, Jan 2020
LunchBox Sessions is the best since sliced bread. Definitely will learn a bunch at a very small investment.
Kody Hillier, Machine Shop Maintenance, Lee Valley - Veritas Tools, Jan 2020
It has been the most concise and modern approach to maintenance teaching I have experienced. Incredibly relatable examples and it really helped give a human feel to the sometimes abstract subject matter.
Isaac Braun, Mechanical Design Engineer, Jul 2019
The animations make learning so intuitive.
Hamza F., Engineering Student, Mar 2019
These simulations and videos teach you those concepts in minutes that my professor takes days to explain.
Michael Allison, Master Service Tech, Snead Equipment, Dec 2018
The CAN Bus lessons look good to me. All the info is correct, and they had some good learning points in there too. I really liked the cartoon drawings. It made it not so overwhelming in my eyes as someone that is just learning about this.
Richard Baxter, Baker Hughes, Dec 2018
LunchBox Sessions is by far the best training program I have ever used. It's extremely user friendly and explains things in simple terms for easy learning and memory refreshing. I'll continue to use it as long as it is available to me.
Carl Carey, Instructor, Hawkeye College, Sept 2018
I’ve been teaching Fluid Power at Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo, Iowa for 5 years (time sure do fly) and for the first time the Dean of the department that I work in sat in my class to evaluate the class. On that particular day the lesson was on Load Sensing Pumps. The text book that we use in class has a 3-sentence paragraph description on load sensing pumps. So, after I worked my way through the short incomplete description of load sensing pumps I logged on to LunchBox Sessions, clicked on the Load Sensing Pumps icon, opened up the Load Sensing Control on a Piston Pump simulation and I spent the rest of the class time explaining and answering questions on load sensing pumps. If the truth be told, the only way that I was able to “wax eloquently” in explaining the different functions and actions of the load sensing pump simulation, was that I first of all spent time studying and reading and working my way through the LESSON on Load Sensing Pumps that’s also a huge part of the learning experience you find in LunchBox Sessions. Good Stuff! A couple of days later the Dean called me into his office to give me the results of his evaluation of the class and he described it as being “Stellar”. He also shared with me that he worked on a lot of agriculture equipment and hydraulic pumps, but, he never understood how a Load Sensing Pump worked until he sat in my class! And of course, he wanted to know more about who developed the animations. I’m more than convinced that whether you are a journeyman or a beginner in the field of fluid power, LunchBox Sessions is a great addition to anyone’s learning experience. Another thing that puts a smile on my face is that a lot of the students tell me that someone told them to make sure that they take Carl Carey’s fluid power class. Thank you, CD Industrial Group Inc., for what you bring to the world of fluid power and for making my job more secure!
Brandon P., Comoso, July 2017
I am currently studying for the International Fluid Power Association Hydraulic Specialist test and I find your website to be EXTREMELY helpful in understanding the concepts.
Patricia N., HET Syncrude, Oct 2015
Two words ... very impressed. It is fast! there is no waiting for things to work or load. I really like the format of the fluid power basics. The animation on the page with the written descriptions are very effective.
Carl Carey, Instructor, Hawkeye College, Oct 2015
I’m always looking for fresh and engaging ways to teach hydraulics. The interactive content on LunchBox Sessions makes a HUGE difference in creating a great learning experience. The first words out of my mouth were WOW GOOD STUFF!
Press & Publications
Fluid Power World, May 2021, Page 34-38, Cover Story • Post / Issue / PDF
Fluid Power World, December 2019, Page 42-47, Cover Story • Post / Issue / PDF
Fluid Power World, October 2019, Page 30 • Post / Issue / PDF
Fluid Power World, August 2019, Page 4 • Post / Issue / PDF
Fluid Power World, December 2018, page 56-59 • Post / Issue / PDF
Fluid Power World, Oct 2018, by Carl • Post
Fluid Power World, July 2018, unedited transcript of a webinar • Post
Fluid Power World, Apr 2018, by Carl • Post
Fluid Power World, Jan 2018, by Carl • Post
Fluid Power World, July 2017 • Post
Fluid Power World, May 2017, by Carl • Post
Fluid Power World, Feb 2017, by Carl • Post
Fluid Power World, Dec 2016, by Carl • Post
Fluid Power World, Sept 2016, by Carl • Post
Fluid Power World, Feb 2016 http://www.fluidpowerworld.com/february-2016-issue-new-twist-on-pneumatic-muscles-mobile-hydraulics-troubleshooting-more/