Setting up a new Mac - cdig/docs GitHub Wiki

This guide will walks through the custom setup process of a new Mac for CDIG artists and programmers.

This guide should be followed by whoever will be using the Mac, since they need to select passwords and make decisions about how to personalize the Mac. When it says "you" or "your", that means the person who will be the primary user of this Mac.

Note that this guide is still a work-in-progress. There might be some hiccups. Please share any issues you encounter with Ivan, so he can revise the guide.

1. Initial configuration

Please set up each new Mac from scratch. Do not use Migration Assistant. This is especially important as we move from Intel to Apple Silicon, as lots of the low-level developer tools need to be set up differently on the new architecture.

When you first boot the Mac, it will take you through some initial configuration. Create or log in to an Apple ID account using your company email address.

When the configuration is done and you're at the desktop, open the Mac App Store, and log in using the shared company Apple ID (ask someone what this is if you don't know it).

2. Apps (etc)

In Safari, download…

  • Chrome
  • Dropbox
    • Use Maestral since it's more performant and doesn't have all the junk that comes with the official client.
  • Hyper
  • Hyperzine
    • If you're on an Apple Silicon Mac, download the latest from the repo.
    • If you're on an Intel Mac, download the latest from the repo.
    • Consult the Hyperzine Guide.
  • ImageOptim
    • Note that as of June 2023, there's a new beta of 1.9.0 available, adding Apple Silicon support. It's not notarized, so you'll need to open it, dismiss the warning, then right-click open it (again), then click "open".
  • Inconsolata
    • Then just double click the file and click "Install Font"
  • Nova, or your preferred text editor
    • After installing, open Nova, go to Settings > Tools, and install the Command Line Tool
    • Ask Lenore to buy a license for your computer
  • Slack
    • Or you can just use the web client

From the Mac App Store, install…

  • Divvy — to transfer Divvy shortcuts, on another Mac open Safari and enter divvy://export
  • Keka — a very performant and flexible tool for unzipping, better than the built-in one, and it has a cute icon.
  • Transmit 5
    • To set Transmit up for S3, you'll need to add a rule for CSS. From the menu bar select Transmit > Settings > Cloud, and add a rule named css with a header with Name Content-Type and Value text/css.
  • Wipr — A good adblocker for Safari.

Install Creative Cloud, and then install apps as needed…

  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • Animate
    1. For BakeLines, download this zip
    2. Go to the Finder, and type Command-Shift-L to open the user Library.
    3. Unzip and move the BakeLines.jsfl file to ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5/<language>/Configuration/Commands
    4. Restart Animate for the changes to take effect.

Note: Animate might crash a lot unless (after running it the first time) you open up System Settings > Privacy & Security > Accessibility and allow Animate to control the computer.

3. Dotfiles

Go to the CDIG Dotfiles repo and follow the instructions. You will probably want Ivan to be around to help out with this part in case something goes wrong.

4. Tokens

After installing both Transmit and the dotfiles, get Ivan to help you set up an LBS API token and AWS access key. You don't need these right away, but you will need them before you can deploy your work to LBS.

Note to Ivan — the command to run so that the cdig tool can push to S3 is aws configure

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