Idea Bucket - cdig/docs GitHub Wiki

When a thought, suggestion, or idea pops up in a conversation, it should be captured here. Ivan reviews this list every few months, and uses it to inform the roadmap for LBS development.


  • We should, at a minimum, allow people to customize the semantic colors we use arbitrarily. For instance, they can pick their own colors for zero, low, and high pressure, the background color, and so forth. We can still blend between the colors they pick.
    • Ideally, we'd find a way to differentiate without color, but this is harder.
    • has a few good details, too. Plus the excellent quote, "Accessibility is (almost), by definition, the stuff you do to make your product usable even though the time you are spending does not pass a typical cost-benefit test."

Sales / Funnel

Limited demo access for free users

Someone on a free account should get free, but limited, access to Simulations. Maybe just 10 minutes? Or maybe they can use 3 simulations before the cutoff kicks in? That’d give them a "look inside" preview for that content. We could also let free users watch all our screencasts (since they've given cookie consent by that point).

30-Day Active Billing

Here's the wording we could use:

LunchBox Sessions is priced based on the amount of learning activity taking place.

Your team may have an unlimited number of member accounts on LunchBox Sessions, all with unlimited learning history saved for posterity. Your learners may log in at any time to review their learning history, and your managers can administrate the team and follow the progress of learners. All of this is free.

You only pay for team members who are actively learning. Whenever a team member access our learning materials, we regard their account as "active" for the following 30 days. You pay for the maximum number of active accounts you expect to have in any 30 day period.

Use the slider below to set the number of active accounts you'd like to pay for. A discount for larger teams is automatically applied.

LBS Site Features For Users

Featured Content

Each week, we have some new featured content. The featured content lives at a specific, unchanging url, so that social links to it will show whatever the currently featured content is. Add social sharing buttons to that page: (and have these links open a specifically-sized popup, so that they don't do the gross stretched-out layout, see here:

Thoughts from Slack:

Every week, we "feature" one piece of content. We make it free for that week only. We advertise it in a few places on and off the site. It's a simple idea, but we can do quite a lot of things with it.

  • It's hard for new visitors to figure out what content we offer for free, or even that we offer content for free at all. People are good at finding Energy Basics and Hydraulic Basics, but little beyond that. By featuring a piece of content deeper in our library, it helps that discoverability problem, and gives people a taste of what kinds of fun we get up to beyond those (kinda weird) first two lessons.
  • It gives us something we can email people about. We can have people sign up to get an email each week when the new free content goes live. If we want, we can include other self-promotion in that email without worrying about running afoul of spam rules, annoying people, etc. They would be asking us to tell them about us.
  • It's a way to offer more stuff for free, without diluting the value of memberships. Essentially, we're only offering 1 additional free thing.
  • We can use it to heavily promote new content. That's right β€” we can take something brand new that we just finished and offer it immediately for free! (No, I'm not pot-high.) For new visitors β€” prospective customers β€” we're putting our best foot forward. For paying members, this is also a benefit, because we're drawing their attention to new content they might otherwise miss (because our "Recently Updated" page is not great, and the "Updated" flags in the explore view aren't much better).
  • For technical reasons, we have 3 kinds of users β€” "visitors" who are not logged in, "free users" who have an account but haven't paid, and "members" who have paid. Currently, there's no benefit to being a "free user" β€” it's just a stepping stone to becoming a member (or a place to store history for posterity for people whose membership is cancelled/lapsed/paused). Having weekly featured content gives people a reason to create an account β€” to start building up a learning history. That lowers the barrier to becoming a paid member, and lets us start to do other fun stuff with that middle not-a-customer-just-yet tier.
  • Unlike other marketing plans, this system can be 100% automated (other than, say, posting about it on social media). The website can pick a random piece of content to feature, and plug the screenshot/metadata in to whichever place(s) we decide to showcase our featured content. Over the past year, I've set up a lot of these sorts of automated background processes where the site just runs itself. That's where all those usage statistics I like to share come from β€” the site is already doing a ton of automated self-analysis, surfacing interesting data. We can build on that β€” eg: the site can choose to feature our highest-rated content. Now, I can guess that a few of you are going to worry about people just freeloading off this system forever, and not becoming a member. I'm not worried about that at all. But just for the sake of argument, let's say it becomes a problem. We can solve it pretty easily β€” we make a list of X items of content we're willing to have featured, and the system just cycles through those. Let's say we pick 52 things β€” 30 lessons and 22 simulations. That's a full year worth of promotion, and yet 2/3rds of lessons and 9/10ths of our simulations are reserved for paying members.

New content notification emails

  • We'll send out an email notification whenever we've added new content. Users can choose to receive these during the signup process.
  • When we add new content, we can push out a notification (similar to the announcement mechanism).
  • We can probably do this using postmark (check their terms to make sure it's okay)

Email as UI

This takes the above idea one step further. One way to boost user engagement is to make email (or other push notification channels) part of the design of the interface. We can put students on a weekly regimen β€” once a week, they get an email with a link to the next piece of content they should complete. Click and boom, the content loads, no need to enter your password. Encourage people to reply to the email with questions and comments. Also worth considering some of the recent advances happening in messaging-as-ui, and see if any of them could benefit us. Think of this idea as a mashup of an email newsletter (but where content is dripped out in a fixed sequence, rather than delivered immediately when published), magic logins, sequencing & recommendation, and weekly status reports (a la Skylight). We could even offer a super cheap plan ($5/month?) that was just this, without access to the full library.

User Icons

  • Character graphics: choose a person, pick a skin tone, pick a colour for the outfit
  • Default: randomly generated choices
  • Or β€” upload a photo (We need to manually approve them)
  • Swag is incorporated into your icon, like stack overflow

Glossary (Alex)

We can visually highlight key words (or images β€” let's not limit our imaginations here). If you click on them, it opens an interface that "collects" the definition of the term/image β€” that is, the glossary will start empty, and you'll fill it as you go, for credit. Glossary terms include links to places where you have seen the term before (review), and recommend places you haven't yet been (go deeper).


Like achievements, but perhaps physical, or coupled to a physical reward. Different tiers? Eg: bronze silver gold? (black as a secret high level!) Modules could be grouped up, and then when you beat a group of modules, you get a certificate for that group. This lets us seed certificates throughout our library of content, and add a touch of curation and direct attention toward certain arrangements of content. There could be an indicator to show your progress towards next certificate β€” and you could pick (from a list) which certificate you are interested in working toward (see: Stack Overflow badges).


  • AKA Badges / Achievements
  • Like how Trihex says it
  • Awarded for attendance (log in once a week), compliance (set up your profile), and academic accomplishment
  • Physical swag for top performers (nb:
  • If we award certificates, we should give them something they can publish to their LinkedIn profile ( has something like this β€” but they're owned by LinkedIn, so... yeah)

Tutorial / Config

An intro workflow that introduces new users to module/activity concepts.

It should show them a rotary knob, and ask them to turn it up. Look at what they do, and set that as the preference. (Like how Halo figures out your invert-y setting). Similarly for other UI preferences (narration on or off? sound effects on or off? etc). Store those prefs globally and use them in all media.

Also: "If you are creating a tutorial for a software product make sure you are focussed on guiding the user through an activity, not just pointing them to the various UI elements. A tooltip tour is not the right approach."

Currently, we have a tutorial lesson that Crystal made. It was created to serve as a starting point, on which we could iterate. As it stands, I think it has poor fitness for the problem. We'd probably be better to beef-up contextual help than provide explanation a priori. We'd also want to provide even coverage over all the features people are likely confused by (quizzer, session completion) rather than just the stuff that comes in lessons. We might want to make this available as a help page (or split it up into separate help pages), not a "start here" tutorial, since that's turning it into a chore. It's not relevant to people initially β€” it's relevant to people when they (eg) need to use an activity AND can't figure out what to do.

Feedback Box

It'd be nice for users to be able to submit feedback in-context, like they can do with Quizzer when reviewing a question. EG: if they see an incorrect formula. This could be developed similar to the comments system on medium, where people can choose to respond to a particular thing, and other people can see their comments. If someone asks a question, Carl or Mark could respond with an answer. This would be like a web forum, but using our very content instead of the different boards/threads. This GDC talk about Subnautica showed a good example of how to collect user feedback, how to make great use of the info you get from user feedback, what the merits of doing so are, etc.

Feedback of any kind

Even just a form - something to allow feedback from LBS users on all of our materials, not just the lessons.


It'd be helpful (and reasonably straightforward) to add a messaging system to LBS. This would obviate the need for people to go to their email for support inquiries, or to offer feedback about content.

We can just steal the structure of facebook messaging β€” there's a messaging dropdown in the topbar, and it lets you compose a new new message, jump to a recent conversation, or go to the messaging center. We can also add buttons throughout the site to prompt people to offer feedback or ask questions.

We'll probably want to make the message writing and reading process happen as an overlay / modal over whatever page they're currently on, so it doesn't break their context and we can keep track of what they were looking at at the time they sent the message.

This would also obviate the need for the Announcements feature. We could use it to announce new content in an unobtrusive way.

Ask All The Questions (Mark)

One of the exercises Mark does in the classroom is to give the group a problem, and get them to ask all the possible questions that they should find answers to in order to better understand the problem. The goal is to have them think through the problem in advance β€” to explore the idea space β€” before they start chasing down any particular question. This is a key troubleshooting skill. If you can generate a question that evenly bisects the problem space, that's much more powerful than a question that only addresses a small possibility (this is related to, but a different strategy from, Check The Easy Stuff First).

Flashcards (Upcase)

Here's something Upcase does:

Content of the Day (Robyn)

  • Like a gym's workout of the day - something pulled to prominence for today. Not the only thing you can do, but if you just show up with 15 min, and don't know what to do, this is it!
  • If we are thinking of building community, having content that many people are experiencing at roughly the same time will give them something to talk about together. Questions and comments would be more likely to generate additional responses, while their authors are still interested.
  • There are two things I think the daily content could possibly help with - Build a habit of coming back ​_daily_​, and try to create a sense of momentum around our content.

Knowledge Base

The Feedback Box idea puts a twist on comments / support / message boards, and works well for discussion that centres around the content. But there might be the need for more open-ended discussion that isn't about, or ignited by, the content. Rather than having a boards/threads-based traditional message board, we could have a "question and replies" structure, like Stack Overflow or Quora. This emphasizes search rather than listing, which in turn emphasizes being subject-matter focussed rather than recency-focused. We might want to add a checkbox to the submission form, "Allow moderators to correct spelling mistakes", checked by default.

A key benefit of this feature (and Feedback Box) is that it provides an aspect of social interaction on the site. Traditional LMSs lack any form of social interaction within the service1, so this is an area where we could take the lead. This needs to be given lots of careful attention β€” "social" is notoriously hard to get right, even ignoring business model factors. Eg: Apple has failed every attempt they've made to do social.

1 But there might be some though side channels, like asking the person next to you for answers.

Double Down on Social

Traditional LMSs have no social features whatsoever. Your experience is a solitary one. That's bad for an isolated learner, because they need to go out-of-band to get help. It's also bad for anyone who wants to assume more of a "teacher" role, and help others. For the time being, LBS is a bit like a walled-garden LMS with only our own content it in. No wonder clients are wondering if we can integrate with their LMS β€” the two things look roughly equivalent. If we double down on social features, that'll help break the illusion that LBS is an LMS, and it'll help us start making room for the teachers in our community to interact with the learners. We can provide tools to help facilitate those exchanges of knowledge. We can bestow special significance to users who are "here to help" rather than just "here to learn".

Keep it Fresh (Robyn)

One issue we have talked about is that each subsequent month of an LBS subscription will start to feel less valuable as users go through more and more of our catalogue. Let's encourage them to frequently consider & use what they've already learned, and go back through "done" content if it starts to fade with a quick review challenge.

  • quiz could pop up/become available every time a user finishes a module.
  • each module would have 3-4 questions banked from it for the review challenge to draw from. (they might be identical to questions/puzzles already in the module). The challenge could pull all of the questions if the user only has a couple of modules under their belt, or randomly pull one or two as the user stacks up more and more completed modules.
  • each question should identify the module that it's from, so that a user who struggles (even if they ultimately get the right answer) knows where to go to freshen up on that topic.

The Gauntlet

This is what we'll call the "pop quiz" mode that strings together a random assortment of quizzer questions from across the site.

The button to enter the gauntlet should show up in place of the Welcome Video. We can show it there after the user has at least one session marked as completed (or favourite), or after they've accrued at least 1 hour of learning time, (or maybe after they've earned a quiz score about 80%?).

We need a landing screen that lets them start playing, as well as some sort of instruction screen that tells them how to unlock more questions. We pull questions at random from sessions that have been marked as completed or favourite. Show questions one by one. The goal of the game is to get as long a streak of correct answers as possible. You can leave the gauntlet, and when you come back you pick up where you left off. If they get an answer wrong, we might want to give them a 1-time mulligan.

To implement The Gauntlet, we'll want to write a JS client to handle most of the gameplay. This way, we aren't doing a bunch of page loads (which is annoying for the user). This will also let us do a better job of heartbeat time tracking, since page loads make that trickier. The JS client will start by querying the server for a list of question IDs that are available to this learner (based on which sessions they've marked completed/favourite). We'll pull down a fresh list every time The Gauntlet is loaded, even if we're picking up in the middle of a previous run, in case they've marked new sessions since last time. We pick questions at random from that pool. The current run ends when they run out of questions (though we tell the player that they can unlock more questions and continue their run by marking more sessions). If the learner leaves the gauntlet before the end of the run, marks another session as complete, then comes back, we'll add those new questions in to the current run. We do all answer validation and streak counting on the server, to avoid abuse. The client shouldn't even know which answers are correct. The server should probably store a list of which question_ids have been answered in the current run (so that the user can't cheat the game by submitting the same question/answer combo over and over).

LBS Site Features For Instructors

Presentation Mode (Alex)

If cd-modules are to be used for instructor-led, it might be nice to have a mode that just shows images, and otherwise hides the text, for the projector. This would be easier to do if we were using layout templates, because we could mark which types of content should be shown/hidden on a template-by-template basis. Live Schematic Lessons (with optional teaching content) also accomplish this goal β€” they're useful self-directed and instructor-led.

Physical Features / LBS as Tools

Double Down on User Tools

An extension of Double Down on Social. If we want LBS to be less like an LMS, and more like an online university or a wikipedia or a StackOverflow or a (etc β€” Steam?), we'll need to provide tools that "teachers" in the community can use to produce learning material of their own. Live Schematic editors are an obvious first guess. What else is there? It's worth thinking about it like this β€” What tools would Carl and Mark want to use? Let's make those tools for Carl and Mark.. and eventually open them up to the LBS community. This is a bit like the Amazon business model: First there was, which was a low-margin B2C service. They created AWS, which was a high-margin B2B service. Then there was Amazon's fulfillment infrastructure, which first served, and is now being opened up as a B2B service. is also being turned into a B2B online storefront service β€” Gap are going to be selling through it, since it's more popular than their online store. Now there's Alexa and Echo, where Echo is the B2C and Alexa is going to be spun out into a B2B. All of Amazon's B2B services were created to service their B2C services, and then opened up to support other business. Those B2B services become a tax on their respective sectors (this is not a criticism). AWS is a tax on the internet. Alexa is going to be a tax on "intelligent assistant" features. Amazon fulfillment is going to be a tax on businesses needing warehousing and shipping. Amazon's opened up online storefront is going to be a tax on online shopping. Long story short, we should probably explore this "internal tools -> external tools" approach.

User-created content as part of activities / assessment

A number of our new game ideas break outside the boundary of the computer, taking the learner out and about on their equipment as part of the learning process. We'll want to leverage their smartphones, and allow them to contribute images and writing of their own, and discuss and rate and assess the contributions of their peers.

On-Site Visits / Start With A Bang

As a sales incentive, sending a few people out to a company's job site when they start out with LBS, and then following-up in-person every few months, is something we could do to build enthusiasm around LBS, ensure they're using it correctly, gather intelligence, and offer a premium level of service.

Shop Manager App

We should make an app that a manager/supervisor on the shop floor can use.

He can use it to award points for staff members' accomplishments in the real world. He'll open the app, pick a staff member, pick a skill area, and award them some points. This must work on smartphones.

Generic Hydraulic System Inspection Checklist

Something printable, so that if there are no maintenance standards, you could at least start with: 1. Check the reservoir. 2. check the filter indicator, etc. Things that might be useful, that we can put our logo all over and hopefully someone will bring into their work one day, and someone else might ask about it.


(Computerized Maintenance Management System / Enterprise Asset Management System)

If we're having users use their smartphone to complete activities in the real world, then we are only a step away from asking them to use LBS as the place to record their equipment performance/maintenance data (cycle times, part replacement events, downtime, etc). In our courses, we encourage students to start tracking these things; if LBS is now a part of our standard course offerings, it makes sense to encourage LBS as the place to record this data. The more we can encourage people to use LBS as a part of actual work, the more we can collect data about the effectiveness of our training and tools, and the better a job we can do of demonstrating ROI on LBS to clients.

Team VS Team

  • Managers will be able to designate Supervisors.
  • Supervisors will be able to set up a team, and add users to their team.
  • In addition to seeing your own scores on the Dashboard, you'll see how well your team is doing (VS a handful of adjacent teams, not the full list).
  • Once per year, the top team gets special recognition from CDIG β€” ball caps, training, etc (Canfor can ante up a bit here too)
  • Avoid calling out individuals, good or bad β€” it could promote social stigmas around LBS.
  • But, if a team does well, the supervisor is rewarded.
  • Email to supervisors with a weekly status update about how their team is doing. They can select the frequency for these updates.
  • Supervisor sets goals: Each week, the Supervisor picks a chapter (or something). Everyone who completes it gets a badge.

Sales / Marketing / Business

New Owner Workflow

The Facebook Business setup page does a good job of onboarding. We could adopt something like this for our Owner users.

Wikipedia Page

By creating a Wikipedia page, we'll get a benefit to SEO and a benefit to credibility. We need to be really careful with how we approach this to avoid being scrubbed off the site for self-promotion. As much as it might seem counter-intuitive, the goal here isn't actually to promote ourselves. Keep that in mind. Read this first:

Start simple with a paragraph or two. If there's any reference to LBS in the Fluid Power magazine articles, we can cite that as source materials.

Ideas About Our Company

CDIG Playbook

The Thoughtbot Playbook and Valve Employee Handbook are wonderful resources. It'd be nice to generate something like that ourselves. It'd need to be easily editable.

Tiny Uncategorized Ideas

  • Side Project Marketing Checklist (HN)
  • When you log in to LBS, show progress toward next certificate.
  • Mark: At the end of a module, you see a question that says "if you understand how this pump works, but you want to see something else that might cause and issue with this pump, here's another module"
  • Mark: when doing a quiz review during a class, give the option to turn off questions that they didn't cover the material for
  • A PDF or web page that helps calculate the ROI on LBS. The individual millwright, supervisor, or training manager might not know how to do an ROI calculation. So we should make this easy for them, to help them sell LBS up the chain of command.
  • Nathan needs to change the cartoon Carl. Mark looks great.
  • Alex: We should make some simple apps for iOS/Android. Things like little calculators. They'll be offered for free, and serve to promote LBS.
  • We need a special account for use in instructor-led classes, that doesn't auto-login to Quizzer. What other features will it need? Easy sign-up.
  • Offer contextual help on all activities. All activities should have a (?) button, and (perhaps) a prompt that shows up if they sit on the puzzle without making meaningful progress for more than 20 seconds.
  • How We Make The Animations: This is the question we are asked most frequently on Youtube. We should make a page on the site that we can link to that shows all the work that goes into our animations, and drive people to try them out.
  • Video(s) of Carl explaining how to teach a class with the site β€” upload to LBS and YT
  • Lifecycle email that goes out to a paying customer one time only after they've been away from the site for a while. It should ask them about their experience of the site. We could offer to extend their purchase or give them free content if they'd take the time to tell us their opinions. This email should be written so that it looks like I emailed them personally. It could also include info like how long they've used the site so far, and how many sessions they have access to.
  • Robyn: live webcasts of carl interacting with the site content, teaching a lesson, answering questions
    • Access to these webcasts is limited to paying members of the site (at any price level), and helps shift our value prop away from the content alone (which helps fight piracy)
    • webcasts are recorded and added to an archive on the site
    • collect questions in advance from users - this doubles as a way to promote these webcasts in our social feeds
    • We could probably start this with YouTube Live
  • Nathan: chaos monkeys / gremlins that attack the simulation and introduce faults
    • this personifies/characterizes/brands the "faults" features of simulations
    • This helps world building / storytelling
  • Ivan: a page on the site that compares our offering to other similar online training programs (eg: ITZ, GPM Hydraulic)
  • Crystal: Buy google paid results so we can test keyword popularity, CTR, etc. We can use this info to help decide what terms to use when marketing organically.
  • Carl: The Kirkpatrick Model is the de facto standard way to assess training initiatives. Anything we can do to show (in our marketing, for instance) how LBS satisfies this model would be great. Ivan: Once we have user-generated content (smartphone photos, long answer, community discussion and Q&A, etc), it'll be possible to track how people take their activity on the LBS site and relate it to their job.
  • Ivan: Make videos that teach a concept, but include extra instruction for someone who would be following along with the video while running the animation. For example, after each concept is introduced, Carl can take a moment to say "Now, for those of you following along with your simulation, click this button here to switch the mode, and try to do what we just did. See how it's different?" Or, we can bring up a slide of special challenges and say "Pause the video here, try the challenges, and then press play to continue". We'd post these videos on our public youtube channel with a link to this simulation on the site, encouraging people to sign up for a membership. We'd also put them on the site as part of (free) content in that session.
  • Ivan: Ben Thompson offered some great language we could fold into an enterprise-focussed marketing page β€” perhaps part of the team signup process. "The benefits of cloud offerings are well known: flexibility, scalability, access from anywhere, automatic seamless updates, predictable operating expenses instead of lumpy capital expenditures, the list goes on and on." and "Once you remove the burden of support and maintenance – that’s handled by the service provider – it suddenly doesn’t necessarily make sense to buy from only one vendor simply because they are integrated. There is more freedom to evaluate a particular product on different characteristics, like, say, how easy it is to use, or how well it supports mobile."
  • Ivan: Carl's email footer is a monstrosity! Ivan's email footer is.. nonexistent? We should have nice, tasteful, stamp-sized (or business card-sized) email footers, with our names, roles, and the (proper) LBS logo.
  • Ivan: We own a bunch of exact-match domains. Apparently, the SEO benefits of exact-match don't really apply in any way we could benefit from. Instead, they might work well for landing pages. We'd use these landing pages as part of our other advertising initiatives, for example by creating a landing page for attendees of an industry event, offering them a handful of free sessions ("go to and get 3 free hydraulic sessions") or some sort of promotional content ("go to for a free PDF with schematic reading tips", which would be a repackaged version of one of our lessons, with info about LBS and Live Schematics). The benefit of having nice custom domains for this is it's appealing when running ads (digital or printed).
  • Quizzer Images (Robyn): Would be helpful to be able to control image size. Right now I am adding empty width to tall images, in order to make them display nicely in a question.
  • Survey (Robyn): If at some point we want to survey our users, here are some questions we might want to ask: β€” this was prompted by Robyn saying:

    I wouldn't want to do it too often (yearly, or even less), but I would really love to survey our existing users at some point - maybe around a big LBS anniversary or something. I would like to know what kinds of content they like and dislike, and the ways they use LBS. On the instructor side, I'd like to know whether they ever use the guides and the paper worksheets, or whether we should be concentrating on other kinds of materials.

  • Dynamically inject a block of lesson usage info above the lesson title. Rather than cramming more and more info into the Explore view, we should show some info inside the lesson, dynamically. We can gradually add this info throughout the lesson (eg: activity scores), but let's start simple. Placing a block above the title gives us a good place to show a handful of things. We can show usage info for the current user. If the user is a supervisor, we can show info about the team. If the user is an admin, we can show aggregate info.
  • Quizzer Usage (Robyn): Attempt to track whether quizzes are being completed before or after users are interacting with other learning materials in the session. Maybe ask the users themselves to categorize each quiz attempt as the first question? "Which answer best describes your knowledge of [subject X] right now?" "I've used all of the learning materials in this session", "I've used some of the learning materials in this session", "I want to see how I do without any studying first", "I'm coming from an instructor-led class that included this topic". Or maybe this can be tracked behind the scenes in LBS?
  • Ivan: A package of our YouTube screencasts and the animations for download, or as a DVD. Could sell them as seasons
  • Alex: instead of charing for custom content paid-up-front, we include it in the cost of the subscription so that it's amortized over some period.
  • From a client: Allow students to pay for their own account, while still being part of a team
  • From a client: Allow sessions to be assigned to students
  • Make the learning history reset a soft-delete (which converts to a hard delete after, say, 30 days). We've had a few cases where someone's learning history has been deleted by accident.
  • Here's an interesting pricing model for schools:
  • One way to do certification that'd fit with LBS would be to give every user the option, off by default, to enable a "certificate page" β€” a public URL, based on a UUID (so it's not guessable), which shows a little dashboard of what the learner has done on LBS. It can be a mix of all-time stuff, and recent stuff, so that it both recognizes that they made an effort to do some learning (even if it was a long time ago), and shows off that their learning is ongoing. Here's a service that does something similar:
  • Robyn: Some way to indicate, when choosing a Circuit Tracer circuit, which are easy and which are more difficult. Some tracers end up being kindergarten-level easy, while others involve multiple sheets and endless details. Might be nice to give the learner a heads up on which they're headed into. I'm thinking something near-universal, like making the easy ones green (in the choose a circuit to trace dialogue box) and making the hardest ones red.
  • Some sort of notification for a manager when a learner completes a session. Could probably configure this to send the manager an email with a daily summary.
  • We should make a press kit. It doesn't need to be fancy, just some logos and screenshots that people can use in articles about us. Good examples: Monodraw, Knotwords
  • On the explore page add a control to toggle topics on and off for CDIG users. To make it easier to hide topics that we don't want to see temporarily.
  • Please add some sort of version date or marker in the settings pane for Live Schematics. (Pulling the version number from the artifact would be perfect). Something that we can look at and say, "Version 15 is the latest - is that what you are seeing?" to clear up confusion over older cached versions.
  • Wording from the Mimestream pricing page: "If you find yourself needing more seats, you can always upgrade in the licensing portal mid-cycle for a prorated charge. If you have too many seats, you can schedule a downgrade that will be effective as of the next billing cycle." I like this split β€” upgrades are prorated, downgrades are scheduled. This solves a lot of complexity.
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