Examples of Great Content - cdig/docs GitHub Wiki
Let's capture some other content from elsewhere on the web that does a "module"-like thing better than we do.
Stable Attribution
Some electronics textbooks
Doing-centric explanatory mediums
This article isn't a great example itself, but it's a discussion of (including links to) some great examples.
https://ciechanow.ski/gears/ (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22310813)
Not necessarily great content, but some interesting UI work for the teacher, for the views of student's scores and projected progress and such.
Microsoft: Project Spark
Pro: The implementation is admirable. Good layout and graphic design that integrates nicely with the content (eg: hex-grid image / video button), the responsiveness works well, the sidebar navigation is effective, etc.
Con: The writing and concept are pretty bad. The site is janky on Safari. It probably works great in IE.
NY Times: What China Has Been Building In The South China Sea
Pro: The article works every bit as well on iPhone as it does on a Mac. Nice use of interactivity (using it only where necessary, not just for pointless flashiness). The many "cd-map"-like graphics are excellently done, especially considering the need to be highly responsive.
Con: About halfway down the article, they have a graphic showing how a dredger sucks up sediment from the seabed and pipes it to the reef. The graphic is greatly wider than it is tall, so getting it to work on iPhone in portrait would be a hard challenge. So on iPhone, it just doesn't even show the graphic at all. Which.. is one solution, I guess.
Chart: Failing Black Students
Pro: A great combination of a stationary animated graphic, and short bits of explanatory text.
Con: Scroll-jacking is a bit janky.
What's Really Warming The World?
Pro: Neat use of animation with short captions.
Con: Scrolling is a weird way to navigate.
Bosch: The Garden Of Earthly Delights
This is masterfully executed. Our Live Schematics are a few steps short of this, but they're very important steps, and we should push hard to achieve this level of immersion and utility in our work. Example: zoom in to parts of the image, and you hear sounds based on the details at that point in the scene. _We can do this, easily!_ Another critical detail: The (excellent) voice over narration has a control on the left side, with a "show text" button underneath it. The text is available, but they do a wonderful job of keeping it out of the way until you want it. For "stage nav", the little navigator control in the lower left is incredibly helpful. The scrolling and click-to-drag panning is just fine, but the keyboard also works (shift +/- to zoom). I suspect that the lack of a panning animation when using the arrow keys was to avoid motion sickness — people using the keyboard will likely be less savvy (or less able) users. Giving people an excellent mouse-first experience is a no-brainer! Why didn't we do that before?(edited)
How Gravitational Waves Work
A comic and video, created from the same artwork: http://www.phdcomics.com/comics.php?f=1853
Clara Rockmore Theremin Google Doodle
A french web design agency, with an incredibly well-animated SVG website: http://waaark.com
The Crash Course
http://thecrashcourse.com And, of course, the HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11978188
Ableton: Learning Music
NYT Stories
How A Car Works
https://www.howacarworks.com HN Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15017126
Cameras and Lenses
How Corona Virus Spreads
https://english.elpais.com/society/2020-10-28/a-room-a-bar-and-a-class-how-the-coronavirus-is-spread-through-the-air.html Nice use of scrolling and layers to drive a narrative, and to make small changes to a scene easily detectable.