Colors - cdig/docs GitHub Wiki

2020 Note: These colors are a little out of date with respect to LBS. If you're planning to use them a bunch, please ask Ivan to go through and update them to the latest values.


silver: hsl(220,  15%, 80%) #C4C9D4
grey:   hsl(220,   9%, 52%) #7A8190
smoke:  hsl(227,  15%, 25%) #363A49

red:    hsl(  2,  75%, 53%) #E1332D
orange: hsl( 25, 100%, 59%) #FF852E
yellow: hsl( 43, 100%, 50%) #FFB700
green:  hsl(130,  85%, 35%) #0DA527
blue: 	hsl(223,  45%, 45%) #3F5CA6
indigo: hsl(270,  50%, 58%) #945EC9
violet: hsl(330,  55%, 50%) #C63980

teal:   hsl(180, 100%, 29%) #009494
mint:   hsl(153,  80%, 41%) #15BC71
pink:   hsl(357, 100%, 75%) #FF8086
brown:  hsl( 23,  40%, 46%) #A46A46
navy:   hsl(235,  52%, 22%) #1B2055
maroon: hsl(359,  65%, 40%) #A82426


atmospheric-pressure: #09F
no-pressure: #00F
low-pressure: #FF0
medium-pressure: #F70
high-pressure: #F00
vacuum-pressure: #F0F


Ground Voltage: #000
Min Voltage: #FFD800
Medium Voltage: #7fd97f
Max Voltage: #00DAFF
Magnetic Field: #8D02FF # See note below
Inert Voltage: hsl(184, 9%, 50%)

Note about Magnetic Field color: This color is incorrectly specified as #8D029B in SVGA and cd-module, and has been for at least 5 years. Correcting this mistake now (mid 2022) would be onerous, due to the number of places where the incorrect color is used. However, when we do the next redesign of the Live Schematic semantic colors (likely to happen as we adopt a new generation of tools in 2023), we should consider the color listed here (#8D02FF) as the "current" Magnetic color, not the one used by SVGA and cd-module.


cdig-blue: #0063BE
dark-blue: #0045AF
light-blue: #0084AF
light-green: #99ff66
off-white: hsl(220, 45%, 96%) #F0F3F9