E−Hentai Image Viewing Limits - ccloli/E-Hentai-Downloader GitHub Wiki


All these information is tested by myself, so they may not correct.

  • You have 5000 points every day if you logged in to E-Hentai (typically, vary based on server load)

    Notice that your image limits usage is calculated by your IP, if you are using a public IP, the usage is from all the E-Hentai users who use the same IP with you.

    You can increase your image limits by donation to at least Bronze Star ($20) or buying More Pages Hath Perk. If you've donated, or purchased the Hath Perk (since 2024-08-26), the image limits will be counted by your account instead of IP.

    Since 2024-08-26, you can't see your image limits usage if your account is IP-based, only see whether you've used up or not. If you've used up your limits, you can still browsing normal 1280x images without any errors, but downloading original images will cost GPs as usual.

  • All the E-Hentai sites use the same image limits system

    E-Hentai, Lofi@E-Hentai and ExHentai use the same image limits system, so the usage of image limits is all of these sites.

  • Reaching image viewing page (get image URL) will cost 1 point by default

    When reaching image viewing page (URL looks like this: e-hentai.org/s/[Image ID]/[Gallery ID]-[Page Number]), you will spend 1 point of image limits. Whether the browser fetches the resized image successfully or not, or how many times you fetch the resized image won't affect your image limits.

    In the updates of 2016-03-03 and 2016-03-13, E-Hentai supported lofi images (low resolution images) and higher resolution images, so the cost is also based on image size.

    The cost of loading from source servers (not from H@H) has been increased from 5 points to 50 points since around 2023-09.

    • Auto (1280x): 1 point (51 points without loading from H@H)
    • 980x: 1 point (51 points without loading from H@H)
    • 780x: 1 point (51 points without loading from H@H)
    • 1600x: 3 points (53 points without loading from H@H)
    • 2400x: 5 points (55 points without loading from H@H)
  • If Source Nexus hath perk is available, and original image is loaded, the cost is the resolution option based cost + 1 points per 0.1 MB

    The additional cost should be the same as downloading original images.

    There's no additional file size cost before around 2023-07-18, only resolution option based cost is applied.

  • Reaching image viewing page with nl parameter will cost more points

    When reaching image viewing page with "nl" parameter (After clicking "Click here if the image fails loading", this parameter will be added. URL looks like this: e-hentai.org/s/[Image ID]/[Gallery ID]-[Page Number]?nl=[NL variable]), the image will be loaded from E-Hentai server instead of H@H network, and it'll cost more points of image limits. Based on your resolution, it'll cost around 6-10 points base point + 50 points, see previous section for details.

    The cost of reload image has been increased from 5 points to 50 points since around 2023-09, but Source Nexus is still at 5 points.

  • Downloading original image will cost 1 point per 0.1 MB

    When reaching original image 302 redirect page (URL looks like this: e-hentai.org/fullimg.php?gid=[GID]&page=[Page Number]&key=[Key], it's the link of "Download original [X] x [Y] [File Size] source"), you will spend 1 point per 0.1 MB of image limits (since Aug 2019 or earlier. Before that it's 1 point per 0.2 MB, less than 0.2 MB is not counted, and before Oct 2016 or earlier it's fixed at 6 points per image). For example, if the original image is 2 MB, it costs 20 points, 2.1 MB costs 21 points, but 2.05 MB costs 21 points, too. Have a look at this issue to see our tests.

    But only reaching this redirect page will cost your points. That means, reaching real image URL (looks like [Host IP]/ehg/image.php?... or [Host IP]/im/...) won't cost your points. So in E-Hentai Downloader 1.12 1.14, script will fetch image's final URL when failed fetching original image (In old version, script will reach redirect page to retry).

  • Downloading image file itself won't cost your viewing limits

    Whether the browser loads the image file successfully or not, or how many times you access the image file, it won't affect your image limits, it counts only when you reaches the image page or the original image redirect link.

  • If it's in "Peak Hours", downloading original images will cost your GPs since 2022-06-06
    If it's in "Peak Hours", downloading original images of 7 30 days earlier galleries will cost your GPs since 2022-06-07
    If it's in "Peak Hours", downloading original images of 90 days earlier galleries will cost your GPs since 2022-11-25

    For affected galleries, when it's in peak hours, the script will add [P] mark after estimated costs.

    If you don't have enough limits even outside peak hours, you need to spend GPs, too.

    The GP cost should be around the double of your limit costs, like a 2.05 MB image costs 21 points, at peak hours or you don't have limits, it'll cost around 42 GPs.

    If you're a donator, you'll not being charged by GPs since 2022-06-07.

    In short, if you're not a donator, during Monday to Saturday at 14:00-20:00, or Sunday at 05:00-20:00 (in UTC), or not in these ranges but used up image limits, download original images of galleries which is at least 90 days ago, will "prepurchase" 1000 GPs for this and next downloads, until it used up and "prepurchase" again.

    For what is "Peak Hours", see the full update logs from E-Hentai below.


    Using the "Download source image" function will now consume GP during peak hours. "Peak hours" for this purpose is (in UTC) weekdays between 14:00 and 20:00, and weekends between Saturday 14:00 until Sunday 20:00. This will also be used outside of peak hours if the image viewing limit is exhausted.

    The GP cost is the same as what it would be for resetting the image limit, and also the same as the archiver cost for including it in an archive for a donator.

    For database health reasons, this function will consume 1000 GP at a time, adding a "hidden" full image quota which is drawn from until it is exhausted.


    A couple of minor tweaks to the "Download source image" changes, since it dropped the utilization by a lot more than we needed it to:

    • It no longer applies to galleries posted in the last 7 30 days.

    • It no longer applies for donators.


    • Adjusted the "peak hours" used by original image downloading to better match the actual measured peak periods. It is now between 14:00 and 20:00 UTC Monday-Saturday, and between 05:00 and 20:00 UTC on Sundays.


    • One of two new image servers that replace the current oldest image server is now live. (The second one will probably go live in about a month.)

    • Increased the cutoff for how old a gallery has to be before it charges GP for original file downloads during peak hours from 30 days to 90 days.

  • Downloading original images uploaded 1 year ago requires GP

    For affected galleries, the script will add [A] mark after estimated costs.


    • Galleries posted more than 1 year ago now always require GP to use the "download original image" links. As before, galleries uploaded 3-12 months ago can still use this function with the image quota outside of peak hours, while galleries uploaded less than 3 months ago can do this even during peak hours.

      (This still doesn't apply to donators, whose image limits are tied to account rather than IP address and thus cannot be "refreshed" just by switching IP)

  • If you don't have GP, it'll exchange credit to GP automatically


    • The archiver now always charges downloads in GP.

    • The archiver and full image downloads now both auto-convert Credits to GP using the "High" rate from the last 24 hours in the exchange if you have a Credit balance but insufficient GP. (In other words, you can still usually eke out a 1-2% better rate by converting manually, but doing so is no longer essential.)

    • The amount of free daily credits for visiting EH was increased.


    • The image limit reset function on the Home page now also always charges GP and uses the new auto-converting function.
  • Regenerates at a rate of 3 9 points per minute (vary based on server load)

  • If your account is account-based image limits, you can see your usages at https://e-hentai.org/home.php; If your account is IP-based limits, you can only see if you've used it up or not (since 2024-08-26)

  • You can reset your image limits by paying your GP or credits, or for IP-based account, you can unlock account-based limits for 24 hours with 20k GPs (since 2024-08-26)