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統一軟體開發過程(Unified Software Process, UP)
是 Rational Unified Process 的新版。
強調 Component Based, 企圖和 UML 完全整合!
Use-case model = A set of use-cases
Risk focused
Major characteristics:
- Use-Case Driven : defined the function
- Architecture-Centric: defined the form
- Iterative and Incremental: Each cycle results in a product release.
Four phases
- Inception (初始階段) : 為系統建立商業案例並確定項目的邊界
- Elaboration (細化階段) : 分析問題領域,編製項目計劃,淘汰項目中最高風險的元素。
- Conception (構造階段) : 所有構件和應用程式功能被開發並集成為產品 (Beta release)。
- Transition (交付階段) : 產品測試+用戶反饋的少量的調整。(確保可用)
- 確定這一輪有那些問題,學到了甚麼經驗,準備下一輪的新版本。
Inception: 1. Actor&StackHolder? 2. Architecture&Prototype? 3. Plan&Cost&Risk?
Core Workflows
過程工作流 (Process Workflow) (以 Use-case 驅動,以 Architecture 為核心)
- 商業建模(Business Modeling)
- 需求(Requirements)
- 分析和設計(Analysis & Design)
- 實現(Implementation)
- 測試(Test)
- 部署(Deployment)
支持工作流 (Supporting Workflows) (日常開發事務)
- 配置和變更管理(Configuration & Change Management)
- 項目管理(Project Management)
- 環境(Environment)
參考: 統一軟體開發過程
每個 Iteration 都做
- Identify relevant use-cases
- Create Design (Architecture + Class + Component + Sequence)
- Implement the design
- Verify code against use-cases
- Release a product
- Give developers early feedback
- Minimize risk of developing wrong system
- Accomodate evoloving requirement
- Unified Process (UP)
- Unified Process
- 統一軟體開發過程
- Rational Unified Process Best Practices for Software Development Teams (PDF)
- 搞笑談軟工:還少一本書:The Unified Software Development Process
- [Rational Unified Process Core Workflows(