46. 17 09 2022 index - catedradxc/serverlessStudy GitHub Wiki

Date: 17/09/2022

Daily objetives

* Fix the AWS kubernetes pricing per month
* Find out the concerns of the paper to write from the start point bibliography

Related work

* Seek info about the ec2 kubernetes pricing -> t2.small costs 19.0$/month
* Go back and read the documentation i had made
* Read again these two pappers:
	- (guia y tips para pasar de microservicios a serverless) https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3476886.3477510
	- (microservicios vs serverless) https://www.scitepress.org/Papers/2020/97927/97927.pdf
* Search the topic again using other academic searchers and read:
	- https://sci-hub.ru/https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3344341.3368813 (serverless migration)
* Add some points to the index

##Index prototype

  1. Abstract

  2. Introduction (what is serverless, microservicios) introduction what is serverless and microservicios wether the initial state is a monolith maybe

  3. Background and motivations (advantages and adoption of serverless -> migrate legacy software trouble -> serverless) 3.1 Advantages and adoption of serverless (it does not fit for all use cases) 3.2 Migrate legacy software trouble 3.3 Cloud provider options, why AWS and consecuences of choose one or other...

  4. Related work (from microservices to Fargate -> to AWS lambda) Showcase and relate the made experiments iterative{ partir de un caso sencillo demostrando que aun siendo sencillo hay dificultades pasarlo a fargate pasarlo a AWS lambda probar performance y analisis de costes añadir complejidad (persistencia, interaccion entre los servicios, comunicacion asincrona ...) y repetir }

  5. Observations obtained during the process (cuestiones mas criticas / dolores de cabeza / consejos / guidelines / decisiones tomadas)

    • Facing initial obstacles (program language, too large services, ...)
    • Where to start (reachitecting, too large services, local storage of code, ... )
    • Critical concerns (state management, comunication, quality attributes, ...)
    • Persistence layer
    • Logs, monitoring, performance ...
    • Tools in different stages of the migration
    • Maintainability and technical debt
    • Changes in the development team
    • Data and security
    • Miscelaneous
  6. Benefits and drawbacks of the migration (performance , costs, serverless advantages, serverless drawbacks)

  7. Future directions / Conclusion

  8. Acknowledgements

  9. References