15. 22 07 2022 - catedradxc/serverlessStudy GitHub Wiki

Date: 22/07/2022

Daily objetives

* Create an API managed with azure API management
* Import the functions app created yesterday

Related work

* Follow the following tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z5qK9NTA3k&ab_channel=MicrosoftIgnite
* Import the functions app created yesterday

Weekly meeting with:

* Pablo Castano Iglesias
* Aitor Echevarria Fernández
* Juan Mera Menéndez 
* Enrique Riesgo Canal

In summary

* The team decided to limit the study to AWS
* We made a brainstorming to decide on the approach that provides the most value:
	- patterns / variables to consider to define and measure different use cases (ref: https://serverlessland.com/)
	- how we will run and measure the scenarios. Examples:
	- create "monolith" with high computational complexity (loops, db access, multiple functions call (e.g. sorting, filtering...) - 
              everything running together in a container
	  split into "microservices" with lambda, step functions...
	  measure behavior	
* The tasks to made:
	- Analyce the state of the art to point out the viability of each idea
	- Check out the tools to test the solutions and choose one
	- Think about new approachs towards the study could goes on
* At the next weekly check point we'll decide the scope of the study