01. 21 06 2022 - catedradxc/serverlessStudy GitHub Wiki

Date: 21/06/2022

First introductory meeting with:

*  DXC Assure platform team
*  Jose Emilio Labra
*  Bill Ohnemus, Brian Bacsu
*  Enrique Riesgo-Canal

In summary:

*  JOSE EMILIO LABRA GAYO will create a repository in github for the Cátedra
*  We will identify evaluation criteria during the experiments
*  Next check point when Juan has something implemented
*  Pablo Castano Iglesias, Aitor Echevarria Fernandez and myself will provide a small
	functional slice of Env Service to be implemented and used for the research
*  We will create a simple version of environment service using the serverless standar 
            architecture approach by the picture below

general scheme