Home - catedradxc/serverlessStudy GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the serverlessStudy wiki!


  • Using serverless technologies exploring their advantages and disadvantages
  • Perform migrations between architectures by checking the strengths and weaknesses of each architecture
  • Experiencing the main problems related to the migration process
  • Collaborate with the DXC platform team by making a first introduction to the world of work.

To sum up the wiki content

  • Define and identify the approach and the scope of the study -> Migration from microservices to serverless
  • Decide whether use an opensource application or create our one -> Use an opensource application
  • Select the open source application to go
  • Decide the roadmap, incremental and step-by-step, increasing value in each increment
  • Prepare an index finally closing the scope of the study

3 iterations will be performed at this point. Each one of them consists of 3 versions of the initial application to be tested and compared

First iteration

  • Deploy it in a non serverless solution (amazon EKS), in AWS fargate and AWS lambda (doing the migration)
  • Compare the pricing and the performance and get the firsts results

Second iteration

  • Add the persistence layer and deploy it on non serverless solution (EKS)
  • Deploy it on ECS with the persistence layer
  • Deploy it on AWS lambda with the persistence layer
  • Compare the pricing and the performance of these new version

Third iteration

  • Finish combining the technologies used in the previous iterations
  • Build kubernetes + DynamoDB version, ECS Fargate + DynamoDB and AWS Lambda + DocumentDB
  • Compare the pricing and the performance of these new version

Ideas to explore in the future

  • Add other cloud providers to the game