Benchmark Data - carihaas/tesserae GitHub Wiki

Posted on June 19, 2013 by Chris Forstall

*** See our updated benchmark data on our recent blog post “Collected Benchmark Sets” ***

Here is the data produced by our two surveys (in 2010 and 2012) of intertexts between Lucan, Bellum Civile 1, and Vergil, Aeneid.

The 2010 spreadsheet lists parallels reported from six different sources: four professional commentaries and two versions of Tesserae. Each parallel was hand ranked by members of our team of graduate student and faculty readers.

This is the source of the data reported in the 2012 TAPA and LLC articles.

The 2012 spreadsheet lists all parallels returned by a Version 3 search of the same two texts, plus any parallels found in the commentaries but not returned by Tesserae. The presence of a given parallel in one or more of the four commentaries is represented by the commentators’ initials. This sheet gives hand ranks from both the 2012 and 2010 tests.

Click to Download:
Tesserae 2010 Benchmark
Tesserae 2012 Benchmark

Please feel welcome to contact us with comments or questions on these data.