PvP: How Is the Winner Decided? - capsgame/capsgame GitHub Wiki

The mechanics of the game tie back to the caps' grade and power, visit this page to learn more ‘Caps’ Grade and Power’. Now, let’s get into battle mechanics!

1:1 Battle

If you bet one cap against another player's cap, it's pretty straightforward! For each cap, power is randomly determined within its power range, and the cap with the higher power wins. The winner gets both caps. For example:

  • You placed a Common cap (power range: 1–12).
  • The other player placed a Common cap (power range: 1–12).
  • Your cap's power rolled to 6, and the opponent's cap rolled a 5. In this case, you win and take both caps!

Multi-Cap Battle with Equal Grades

If more than one cap from each player participates in a battle and all of them are at the same grade (for example, Rare), then your caps and the opponent's caps are randomly paired to fight each other. In the randomly selected pairs, the logic is the same: the cap with the higher rolled power (within the cap's power range) wins against the cap with the lower power. For example:

  • You put down two Rare caps (each with a power range of 15 to 26).
  • The other player puts down two Rare caps (each with a power range of 15 to 26).
  • Your first cap is randomly matched with the other player's second cap, and your second cap goes against their first one.
  • In the first pair, your first cap scores a power of 25, while the other player's second cap gets a 17. 25 beats 17, so you win the other player’s cap in that pair!
  • In the second pair, your second cap comes up with a power of 19, and the other player's first cap scores a 20. 19 is less than 20, so the other player wins your cap in that pair.

Multi-Cap Battle with Different Grades

If more than one cap from each player participates in a battle and they have different grades (for example, Rare and Common), the caps are ranked by power and paired up. In each pair, the cap with the higher rolled power (within the cap's power range) wins against the cap with the lower power. For example,

  • You placed a Rare cap (power range: 15–26) and a Common cap (power range: 1–12).
  • The other player placed a Rare cap (power range: 15–26) and a Common cap (power range: 1–12).
  • Your Rare cap is paired with the other player's Rare cap, and your Common cap is paired with the other player's Common cap.
  • In the first pair, your Rare cap rolled a power of 23, while the opponent's Rare cap rolled 20. Since 23 is greater than 20, you win the opponent's cap in the first pair.
  • In the second pair, your Common cap rolled a power of 10, while the opponent's Common cap rolled 5. Since 10 is greater than 5, you win the opponent's cap in the second pair.