Ansible redhat ex407 (Red Hat Certified Specialist in Ansible Automation) - capabdou/guide-devops GitHub Wiki
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A Brief Word on YAML
What is YAML and Why Does it Matter?
- YAML is a markup language used for formatting data
- YAML is generally considered easier for humans to read
- Ansible Playbooks use YAML syntax
Basic YAML Syntax
- YAML is composed of key-value pairs, lists, and dictionaries
- Files items are designated with a single hyphen and a space
- Each list item should have the same indentation
- Dictionaries are designated with a colon and a space followed by indented key-value pairs
Multiple Line Values
- It is frequently useful when working on Ansible playbooks to format input with line breaks
- YAML has a means of letting us do this
- The pipe and riht angle bracket (| ans >) may be used to allow for line breaks within YAML
- Pipe will take each line break as part of the input in the data that follows it
- The right-angle bracket will ignire line breaks in the data that follows it
- A typical use case is breaking up parameters for readability
Quotes and When to Use Them
- YAM has a relatively small set of special characters: [] {} : > |
- You must use double quotes to espace a special character
- Technically, you only need to escape a colon if it is followed by a space
- You will frequently need to escape curly braces {} as they are special to both YAML and Ansible:
Ansible variables are formatted "{{variable_name}}"- the double quotes are required.
This will be discussed more when we go overvariables in Ansible
- Boolean values auto-convert in YAML
- If you want a literal "YES", you must use quotes
- Floating Point Numbers are taken as numeric unless quoted
Understanding core components of Ansible
- Inventories
- Modules
- Variable
- Facts
- Plays
- Playbooks
- Configuration Files
- Inventories are how Ansible can locate and run against multiple systems
- You can think of an inventory as a list of hosts
- By default, Ansible uses /etc/ansible/hosts as its inventory, but this is configurable
- Inventories may be formatted as an INI file or as a yaml file. Note: file formats ar interchangeable
- Inventory files may simply consist of a list of hostnames but can be musch more robust
- It is also possible to define groups of hosts, host or group level variables, and groups of groups within the inventory
- There are a number of variables that may be used within the inventory to control how ansible connects to an interacts with target hosts
$ vim -R /etc/ansible/hosts
$ cd ansible
vim inv.ini
ansible -m ping | SUCCESS => { "changed": false, "ping":"pong"}
ansible all -m ping | SUCCESS => { "changed": false, "ping":"pong"}
ansible -inv.ini httpd -m ping | SUCCESS => { "changed": false, "ping":"pong"} | SUCCESS => { "changed": false, "ping":"pong"}
- Modules are essentially tools for particular tasks
- Modules can take (and usually do) take parameters
- They return JSON
- Can run from the command line or within a playbook
- There are a significant number of modules for many kinds of work
- Custom modules can be written
- Variable names should be letters, numbers, and underscores
- Variables should always start with a letter
- Can be scoped by a group, host, or even in a playbook
- Typically used for configuration values and various parameters
- Variables can also be used to store the return value of executed commands
- Ansible variables may also be dictionaries
- There are a number of predefiner variable used by ansible
- Facts provide certain information about a given target host
- Facts are discovered by Ansible automatically when it reaches out to a host
- Fact gathering may be disabled
- Facts may be cached between playbook executions, but this is not default behavior
Plays and Playbooks
- The goal of a play is to map a group of hosts to some well-defined roles
- A play may use one or more modules to achieve a desired end state on a group of hosts
- A playbook is a series of plays
- A playbook may deploy new web servers, install a new application to existing application servers, and run SQL against some database servers to support the new application
Configuration Files
Several possible locations (in order processed)
ANSIBLE_CONFIG ( an environment variable)
ansible.cfg (in the current directory)
.ansible.cfg (in the home directory)
Configuration can also be set in environment variables
Some commonly used settings:
- ansible_managed
- forks
- inventory
Ad-Hoc Ansible Commands
- What is an ad-hoc command in Ansible?
- Use cases for ad-hoc commands
- Ad-hoc vs Playbook
- Ansible command syntax
- Common modules
What is an ad-hoc command in Ansible?
- You can run ansible either ad-hoc or as a playbook
- Both methods have the same capabilities
- Ad-hoc commands are effectively one-liners
Use cases for Ad-hoc
Operational commands
- Checking log contents
- Daemon control
- Process management
Informational commands
- check installed software
- check system properties
- Gather system performance information (CPU, disk space, memory use)
- work with unfamiliar modules on test systems