Configuration v2.4.6 (OUTDATED) - calzoneman/sync GitHub Wiki

The following page aims to assist you in configuring your CyTube server. Prior to following these instructions, you should have installed the software using the guidelines in the Installing wiki page.

MySQL Config

CyTube requires a MySQL database. We will create a new user for CyTube to authenticate as (I strongly advise against using the root account for your CyTube database user)

mysql -u root -p
(Enter password)
> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO some_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'some_password';
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sync_db.* TO some_user@localhost;

Make sure you remember the username (some_user), the password (some_password), and the database name (sync_db), you'll need it later for the CyTube configuration file.

CyTube Server Configuration

Run the server once to generate a template cfg.json file (it will warn you that it's generating a new configuration file): node index.js

Below are explained the configuration keys:

  • mysql-server - The host address of the MySQL database. If you installed MySQL to the same machine on which you're installing CyTube, use localhost or
  • mysql-db - The MySQL database that CyTube has permission to use
  • mysql-user - The MySQL user that CyTube should authenticate as
  • mysql-pw - Password for mysql-user
  • express-host - If your server has multiple IPv4 addresses, you can specify which address CyTube should bind to. The default ( binds to all available IPs.
  • io-host - Equivalent to express-host, except for connections
  • enable-ssl - Whether or not to listen for secure HTTPS and WSS connections
  • ssl-keyfile - Path to .key file for your SSL certificate
  • ssl-passphrase - Passphrase to unlock your SSL key
  • ssl-certfile - Path to .crt file for your SSL certificate
  • ssl-port - Port to listen on for SSL. Binding port 443 requires the application to be run as root. I use port 8443, and set up an iptables rule to forward traffic from port 443 to 8443.
  • asset-cache-ttl - Allows you to set the duration that clients may cache web assets (in milliseconds)
  • web-port - The port to use for HTTP traffic NOTE: binding to port 80 requires root permissions
  • io-port - The port to use for Socket.IO traffic NOTE: some firewalls block websockets on port 8080
  • ip-connection-limit - The maximum number of Socket.IO connections that may be open at a time from the same IP address
  • guest-login-delay - Number of seconds required to wait between guest logins
  • channel-save-interval - Interval at which to save all channels (in minutes). Default every 5 minutes. Note that channels should be saved automatically on graceful shutdown; this feature is in case of unexpected shutdowns.
  • trust-x-forward - Read clients' IP addresses from the X-Forwarded-For header. Only use this if you know what you are doing, because if you're not actually behind a proxy this can be used to fake IP addresses
  • enable-mail - Allows you to disable/enable using nodemailer to send password reset links
  • mail-transport, mail-config - See documentation for nodemailer
  • mail-from - When sending password reset emails, the address to send in the From: field
  • domain - When sending password reset links, the domain to use as the base name. Reset links are of the form domain/reset.html?reset_hash
  • ytv3apikey - API key for using the YouTube v3 API
  • enable-ytv3 - Uses YouTube v3 API for single video queries. v2 is still used for playlists and searches.
  • ytv2devkey - Developer key for YouTube v2 API (not required - uses anonymous API by default)
  • stat-interval - Interval (in milliseconds) at which to record statistics datapoints
  • stat-max-age - Maximum age (in milliseconds) of a stat point before it is deleted
  • alias-purge-interval - Interval (in milliseconds) at which aliases older than alias-max-age will be cleared from the database
  • alias-max-age - Maximum age (in milliseconds) of an alias (ip, name, time triplet) record before it is deleted from the database

CyTube client configuration

Now that your server's configured, we just need to change a few values so the client knows where to connect. Open up www/assets/js/iourl.js in your favourite text editor.

  • Update IO_URL to use your server's address and the port number you chose as io-port
  • Update WEB_URL to use your server's address and the port number you chose as web-port
  • If you are allowing SSL, set ALLOW_SSL to true and update SSL_URL with the appropriate details


var IO_URL = "";
var WEB_URL = "";
var SSL_URL = "";
var ALLOW_SSL = true;


You should now have a working CyTube server! Start it up by executing node index.js. You can also use the provided file to auto-restart the server if it crashes.

To launch it without needing to keep your terminal open, you can use screen (screen ./, tmux, nohup, or similar tools.

Navigate to your server address (the value of WEB_URL) and click Account. Click Register and create an account for yourself. To make this account an administrator (say the name is "admin"), do the following:

mysql -u some_user -p sync_db
(enter password)
> UPDATE registrations SET global_rank=1000 WHERE uname='admin';

Any rank >= 255 is a site administrator.


CyTube is under development and frequently updates. To apply these updates, you can use git to fetch the latest changes from the repository. Execute git pull from the sync directory, and restart the server. If you get an error message, you may need to run an update script (node update.js) or update the node dependencies (npm update). Be sure to read the commit messages on GitHub to see what's changing, and whether any administrator intervention is required.

The administration control panel (located at acp.html) provides a convenient overlook of the server to administrators. You can view log files, statistics, users, channels, and more.


If you need help, come to IRC: