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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (c) Money master the game PDF

Tell me something: have you had this experience before? he utterly humiliating experience of playing a video game against a child? Who always wins? The boy, of course! But how does she do it? Is she smarter, faster, stronger?

MONEY Master the Game

Is that how it works? You visit your niece or nephew and he or she will say, "Come play with me, Uncle Tony!"

They immediately protest: “No, no, I don't know this game.

Tony Robbins money master the game ebook

And they say, "Come on, it's easy! Let me show you." Then they will shoot some villains when they appear on the screen. You're still fighting, so they start begging. "Come on! Come on! Please please please!" You love this girl so you give in. Then she says the simple words that tell you they are cheating on you: "You first."

So you decide you can do it! You're going to show this boy a thing or two. Then what? Bam! Bam! Bam! You'll be dead in 3.4 seconds. Shot in the side of the head. Smoked.

Then the child takes the gun and suddenly it's bam-bam-bam-bam-bam! The bad guys fall from the sky and whiz around every corner at high speed. The child anticipates and repeats each movement, and about 45 minutes later it is your second turn.

Now you're upset and even more committed. This time it takes a full five seconds. And continue for another 45 minutes. You already know what to do.

Money master the game eBook

Why do these kids always win? Is it because they have better reflexes? Is it because they're faster? No! That's because they've played it before.

You already have one of the greatest secrets to wealth and success in life: you can anticipate the path ahead.

Remember: anticipation is the ultimate power. Losers react; Executives expect. And on the following pages, you'll learn to anticipate the best of the best: the Ray Dalios and the Paul Tudor Joneses, and the army of 50 other exceptional finance leaders who know the way ahead. They are here to help you anticipate problems and challenges on the path to financial freedom so that you will not be hurt along the way. As Ray Dalio says, there's a jungle of things out there that can kill you financially, and you need reliable guides to help you get through it. With your help, we will develop a plan that will help you anticipate challenges, avoid unnecessary stress and achieve your ideal financial goal.

I want to give you a quick rundown of where we're going and how this book is organized so you can get the most of it. But before we do that, let's clarify our real purpose. This book has one main goal: to prepare you to have a lifelong income without having to go back to work. Real financial freedom! And the good news is that anyone can. Even if you start out in debt, at the very end of the hole without overdoing it, with some time, consistent focus, and the right strategies, you can achieve financial security or even independence in just a few years.

Before we go through the steps, let's first take a look at why financial security used to seem so easy. What has changed? And what do we have to do? Let's start with a little history lesson.

You can be young without money, but you cannot grow old without money.


Everything in your financial life seems a lot harder these days, doesn't it? You have probably wondered why it is so difficult to save money and retire in comfort. In our society we now see retirement as a fact; a sacrosanct phase of life. But let's not forget that retirement is a relatively new concept. The idea really only served a generation or two, for most of us, our parents and grandparents. Before his time, people generally worked until they couldn't go on.

Until they died.

Do you remember your story When was social security invented? It was founded under Franklin Delano Roosevelt during the Great Depression, when there was no social safety net for the elderly and the sick. And "old" was a different term back then. The average life expectancy in the United States was 62 years. That's all! And social security pension benefits should come into effect at age 65, so not everyone was expected, or at least not for long. In fact, Roosevelt himself didn't live long enough to reap its benefits (not that he needed them). He died at the age of 63.