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The Fundamentals of corporate finance PDF has been designed and developed for the first course in Corporate or Business Finance, for both large and secondary professionals. The text is almost self-contained in terms of background or antecedents, suggesting some familiarity with basic algebra and accounting concepts, but it is still a very early overview of important accounting principles. This text is organized to give instructors the flexibility they need.

Fundamentals of corporate finance Ross PDF

fundamentals of corporate finance pdf

The best-selling text has three main themes that are the centerpiece of the book: 1) Emphasis on intuition: The authors share and explain the principles of operation in a sensible and intuitive way, before moving on to specific details. 2) Unified Valuation Approach: Net Present Value (NPV) is considered the basic concept underlying corporate finance. 3) Management Approach: The authors emphasize the role of the CFO as the decision-maker and emphasize the need for management opinions and judgments.

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Canadian Eighth Edition Copyright © 2013, 2010, 2007, 2005, 2002, 1999 by McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, a subsidiary of McGraw-Hill Companies.

Copyright © 1996, 1993 Richard D. Irwin, Times Mirror Higher Education Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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