FAQ: Modding - bunfan/beat-banger GitHub Wiki

Beat Banger Modding FAQ

Q: How do I install mods?

If necessary, unzip any files, and place the folder within the mods folder. Make sure the configs are only one folder deep. See below for more info.

Q: What's wrong with a mod/why is it not working?

Without any specifics, it will be hard to help. After playing the troublesome mod, go to the main menu, and type viewlog in the console. This will bring up the games log text file. Look for the line where you loaded the level and check what errors occurred. It will tell you at what line the errors occurred and what the game expects to find.

Q: Can I reopen a BBMT project?

No, you cannot, yet. However, you can import any mod into Beat Wrangler to continue editing.

Q: What is the bare minimum I need to use BBMT?

The only required assets needed to start charting with BBMT is one anim .png and one song .ogg

BBMT Common Issues

Issue : Play/Pause doesn't do anything/I can't chart notes/It loops once and stops.

BBMT creates its own timeline with the .ogg song file provided. If there's an issue with the .ogg, then BBMT cannot play it and instead plays the last_transition loop before stopping entirely. To fix this, use a different tool to create your .ogg song file, preferably a reputable one such as Audacity, Audition or even Beat Wrangler.

Issue: The beats don't line up/The notes don't hit where I want them to.

There are a few potential problems and fixes:

  • If the animations "slap" is out of sync with the beat hit, it's a problem with the art. See animation formatting.
  • If the beats don't match with the song (but uniformly), its a problem with the offset. See note formatting.
  • If the beats are synced with the song at first but eventually desyncs, the BPM input into BBMT is incorrect or the songs BPM is variable. Variable BPM will be implemented into release 2.0.

Common Mod Issues

Bug: My mod ends too early/on the wrong transition.

Make sure you check the chart.cfg for the updated last_beat transistion. In 1.2x, it was coded as lastBeat, but for 1.3, it's last_beat. See formatting for more info. If the issue persists, you may have missed a , or have invalid code in your chart somewhere. Check the log for more info.

Bug : My mods aren't showing up! ( 1.3 )

The path to the chart.cfg file should appear as such, File browser of bb

If your mod is any deeper than one folder, it will not show up. Zips can not be opened by the engine, extract them. If this does not fix it, double check that your meta and chart configs have the correct label information and do not match other installed mods, see below.

Issue: My mods have all the same name.

Edit the meta configs. If they don't have one, give them one. See above and below.



mod_title=" "
mod_creator=" "
mod_artist=" "
song_artist=" "
song_title=" "
length=" "

Bug : There's no audio.

There is a feature to control audio in game, with the - / _ and = / + keys (these keys may vary depending the locale of your keyboard). Make sure to check if the issue resides outside of BB, check your OS audio mixer, output device, etc.

If can turn the volume down and not up, this is a bug with keyboard locales. If possible, emulate a US ANSI keyboard with your OS and use those - and + keys. If all else fails, open the console in BeatBanger and enter logdir. Step back one folder and edit userdata file with the volume being an interger between 0-5.

Bug : The mod screen scrolls too fast. :(

This is a known issue and will be addressed soon. Until then it can be fixed by capping the frame rate of Godot/Beat Banger. This can be done by many means like DXtory or your GPU's control panel.

Bug : The cum scene is broken in gallery!

This is another bug with mods coming from 1.2 to 1.3. To have a working ending cum scene, you need to code the last transition as last_transition rather than a normal transition with a beat number. Both of these work in game, but the gallery needs last_transition to correctly display it. Formatting can be found here.

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