Audio Formatting - bunfan/beat-banger GitHub Wiki

All audio within Beat Banger is required to be the file type .ogg. No other audio types can be read.


The music for a Beat Banger stage is found within the songs folder. Just as stated above, it must be an .ogg. The song should be trimmed correctly, leaving minimal empty spaces near the beginning and end and should not peak anywhere near 0dB. The higher quality you can get, the better.

Volume is controlled by music_volume in the chart.cfg and the path is specified within songpath.

Sound FX

The sound effects within a stage are found within the sfx folder. A stage’s sound FX occur at the beginning (first frame) of every anim loop. And persist from there, hence why it is important that they end soon after, as the engine will not play the next sound over the previous sound. The sounds chose should, like the music, have minimal empty space and be as high quality as possible. It is important that the sound desired “hit” occurs near the very beginning of the sound effect file to appropriately match the “hit” event in game.

Sound FX is controlled by sfx_volume in the chart.cfg and the path is specified within sound_fx within each Transition.

Transition FX

Transition FX are also found within the sfx folder. A Transition effect plays at the beginning of the first loop in a transition, and only the first loop. All properties apply from Sound FX.

Transition FX are specified within transition_sound within each transition.

Climax FX

Climax FX are identical to Transition FX but only occur on the last_transiton transition. They are encouraged to be longer since they can play as long as the post_song_delay continues. Climax FX do not replace Transition FX but instead play along-side them.

Climax FX are specified within climax_sound within last_transition.


The voice bank is found within the voice folder. Inside this folder, should be another array of folders, each with a unique name. These folder names will be what is called within the chart.cfg voice_bank > name line. Voices occur based on their assigned interval. For example a voice bank with an interval of 8, will attempt to play voices on note events with beat numbers divisible by 8.

Voice banks are found within voicebank, with name and interval below it, within each transition.

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