qos_ecn_config_test - bstoll/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

DP-1.3: QoS ECN feature config


Verify QoS ECN feature configuration.


  • Connect DUT port-1 to ATE port-1, DUT port-2 to ATE port-2.

  • ECN configuration paramentes:

    • This test is verifying DUT ability to accept ECN configuration with vertical buffer utilization cut-off line.\ If buffer is utilized below that cut-off value no packet is ECN CE marked.\ If buffer is utilized at of above that cut-off value all packet are ECN CE marked.

    • ECN profile can be created for different queues. ECN profiles per queue can be applied to the output side of interfaces.

      Test case min-threshold max-threshold enable-ecn drop weight max-drop-probability-percent
      #1 80KB 80KB true false not set 100
      [TODO]#2 3.125MB 6.250MB* true false not set 100
      [TODO]#3 1% 2% true false not set 100
    • 6.25MB max-treshhold is selected as it represents ~500 mico-seconds of Delay bandwidth Buffer on 100GE interfaces. What is O(2%) of buffer depth, hence allows for micro-burst absorbtion without beackpressing senders and at same time leaves enough DBB for accomodate RTT ECN signaling loop delay in global network for longer burst/congestion.

  • Procedure

    • Test Case #1 80KB min-threshold equal max-threshold
      • Configute queue-management-profile w/ ECN paramenters as above. Attach to queue on DUT-Port1.
      • Validate that the following values are set as expected using OC telemetry.
        • min-threshold
        • max-threshold
        • min-threshold = max-threshold (vertical cut-off line)
        • enable-ecn
        • drop
        • max-drop-probability-percent
      • Validate ECN profile can be applied under output interface queue using OC telemetry.
    • [TODO]Test Case #2 Treshold in MB, min-threshold not-equal max-threshold
      • Configute queue-management-profile w/ ECN paramenters as above. Attach to queue on DUT-Port1.
      • Validate that the following values are set as expected using OC telemetry.
        • min-threshold
        • max-threshold
        • enable-ecn
        • drop
        • max-drop-probability-percent
      • Validate ECN profile can be applied under output interface queue using OC telemetry.
    • [TODO]Test Case #3 Treshold in percentage, min-threshold not-equal max-threshold
      • Configute queue-management-profile w/ ECN paramenters as above. Attach to queue on DUT-Port1.
      • Validate that the following values are set as expected using OC telemetry.
        • min-threshold-percent
        • max-threshold-percent
        • enable-ecn
        • drop
        • max-drop-probability-percent
      • Validate ECN profile can be applied under output interface queue using OC telemetry.

Config parameter coverage

  • ECN

    • [TODO] qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/config/min-threshold-percent
    • [TODO] qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/config/max-threshold-percent
    • qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/config/min-threshold
    • qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/config/max-threshold
    • qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/config/enable-ecn
    • qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/config/weight
    • qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/config/drop
    • qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/config/max-drop-probability-percent
  • Interfaces

    • /qos/interfaces/interface/input/classifiers/classifier/config/name
    • /qos/interfaces/interface/output/queues/queue/config/name
    • /qos/interfaces/interface/output/queues/queue/config/queue-management-profile

telemetry parameter coverage

  • ECN

    • [TODO] qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/state/min-threshold-percent
    • [TODO] qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/state/max-threshold-percent
    • qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/state/min-threshold
    • qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/state/max-threshold
    • qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/state/enable-ecn
    • qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/state/weight
    • qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/state/drop
    • qos/queue-management-profiles/queue-management-profile/wred/uniform/state/max-drop-probability-percent
  • Interfaces

    • /qos/interfaces/interface/input/classifiers/classifier/state/name
    • /qos/interfaces/interface/output/queues/queue/state/name
    • /qos/interfaces/interface/output/queues/queue/state/queue-management-profile


  • vRX
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