mixed_sp_wrr_traffic_test - bstoll/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

DP-1.10: Mixed strict priority and WRR traffic test


Verify that DUT drops AF3, AF2, AF1, BE1 and BE0 before AF4 before NC1 and forwards AF3, AF2, AF1, BE1 and BE0 based on weight.

QoS traffic test setup:

  • Topology:

    • 2 input interfaces and 1 output interface with the same port speed. The interface can be a physical interface or LACP bundle interface with the same aggregated speed.
      ATE port 1
         DUT--------ATE port 3
      ATE port 2
  • Traffic classes:

    • We will use 7 traffic classes NC1, AF4, AF3, AF2, AF1, BE1 and BE0.
  • Traffic types:

    • All the traffic tests apply to both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.
  • Queue types:

    • NC1 will have strict priority queues
      • AF4/AF3/AF2/AF1/BE1/BE0 will use WRR queues.
    • NC1 and AF4 will have strict priority queues with NC1 having higher priority.
      • AF3, AF2, AF1, BE1 and BE0 will use WRR queues.
  • Test results should be independent of the location of interfaces. For example, 2 input interfaces and output interface could be located on

    • Same ASIC-based forwarding engine
    • Different ASIC-based forwarding engine on same line card
    • Different ASIC-based forwarding engine on different line cards
  • Test results should be the same for port speeds 100G and 400G.

  • Counters should be also verified for each test case:

    • /qos/interfaces/interface/output/queues/queue/state/transmit-pkts
    • /qos/interfaces/interface/output/queues/queue/state/dropped-pkts
    • transmit-pkts should be equal to the number of Rx pkts on Ixia port
    • dropped-pkts should be equal to diff between the number of Tx and the number Rx pkts on Ixia ports
  • Latency:

    • Should be < 100000ns


  • Connect DUT port-1 to ATE port-1, DUT port-2 to ATE port-2 and DUT port-3 to ATE port-3.

  • Configuration:

    • Configure strict priority queues for NC1 and AF4 with NC1 having higher priority.
    • Configure WRR for AF3, AF2, AF1, BE1 and BE0 with weight 32, 16, 8, 4 and 1 respectively.
  • Non-oversubscription traffic test case

    Traffic class Interface1(line rate %) Interface2(line rate %) Rx from interface1(%) Rx from interface2(%)
    NC1 0.1 0.9 100 100
    Af4 18 20 100 100
    AF3 16 16 100 100
    AF2 8 8 100 100
    AF1 4 4 100 100
    BE0 2 2 100 100
    BE1 0.5 0.5 100 100
  • Oversubscription traffic test case 1

    Traffic class Interface1(line rate %) Interface2(line rate %) Rx from interface1(%) Rx from interface2(%)
    NC1 0.1 0.9 100 100
    Af4 50 49 100 100
    AF3 20 14 0 0
    AF2 14 24 0 0
    AF1 12 4 0 0
    BE0 1 7 0 0
    BE1 1 1 0 0
  • Oversubscription traffic test case 2

    Traffic class Interface1(line rate %) Interface2(line rate %) Aggregate throughput(%)
    NC1 0.1 0.9 100
    Af4 18 20 100
    AF3 40 24 50
    AF2 8 24 50
    AF1 12 4 50
    BE0 1 7 50
    BE1 1 1 50

Config parameter coverage

  • Classifiers

    • /qos/classifiers/classifier/config/name
    • /qos/classifiers/classifier/config/type
    • /qos/classifiers/classifier/terms/term/actions/config/target-group
    • /qos/classifiers/classifier/terms/term/conditions/ipv4/config/dscp-set
    • qos/classifiers/classifier/terms/term/conditions/ipv6/config/dscp-set
    • /qos/classifiers/classifier/terms/term/config/id
  • Forwarding Groups

    • /qos/forwarding-groups/forwarding-group/config/name
    • /qos/forwarding-groups/forwarding-group/config/output-queue
  • Queue

    • /qos/queues/queue/config/name
  • Interfaces

    • /qos/interfaces/interface/input/classifiers/classifier/config/name
    • /qos/interfaces/interface/output/queues/queue/config/name
    • /qos/interfaces/interface/output/scheduler-policy/config/name
  • Scheduler policy

    • /qos/scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/config/name
    • /qos/scheduler-policies/scheduler -policy/schedulers/scheduler/config/priority
    • /qos/scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/schedulers/scheduler/config/sequence
    • /qos/scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/schedulers/scheduler/config/type
    • /qos/scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/schedulers/scheduler/inputs/input/config/id
    • /qos/scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/schedulers/scheduler/inputs/input/config/input-type
    • /qos/scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/schedulers/scheduler/inputs/input/config/queue
    • /qos/scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/schedulers/scheduler/inputs/input/config/weight

Telemetry parameter coverage

  • /qos/interfaces/interface/output/queues/queue/state/transmit-pkts
  • /qos/interfaces/interface/output/queues/queue/state/transmit-octets
  • /qos/interfaces/interface/output/queues/queue/state/dropped-pkts
  • /qos/interfaces/interface/output/queues/queue/state/dropped-octets
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