ipv4_entry_test - bstoll/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

TE-2.1: gRIBI IPv4 Entry


Validate IPv4 support in gRIBI.


  • Connect ATE port-1 to DUT port-1, ATE port-2 to DUT port-2, and ATE port-3 to DUT port-3.
  • Establish gRIBI client connection with DUT, negotiating RIB_AND_FIB_ACK as the requested ack_type and persistence mode PRESERVE. make it become leader. Flush all entries after each case.
  • Using gRIBI Modify RPC install the following IPv4Entry sets, and validate the specified behaviours:
    • Single IPv4Entry -> NHG -> NH.
      • Install to NextHopGroup containing one NextHop specified to ATE port-2.
      • Forward packets between ATE port-1 and ATE port-2 (destined to ) and determine that packets are forwarded successfully:
    • Single IPv4Entry -> NHG -> multiple NHs.
      • Install to NextHopGroup containing two NextHop entries specified to ATE ports 2 and 3.
      • Validate that packets forwarded between ATE ports 1 and (2 and 3), ensuring that traffic is forwarded.
    • Single IPv4Entry -> NHG -> multiple NHs with MAC override.
      • Install to NextHopGroup containing two NextHop entries specified to ATE ports 2 and 3, and override the destination MAC to a specified value.
      • Validate that packets forwarded between ATE ports 1 and (2 and 3)
      • TODO: validate the ATE received packets are of the expected destination MAC address.
    • Single IPv4Entry -> NHG -> non-existent NH.
      • Send a Modify() containing 2 AFTOperations that install to NextHopGroup containing next-hops that do not exist. Validate that FAILED error is received for all the 2 operations. Ensure that traffic to is blackholed.
    • Single IPv4Entry -> NHG -> NH with down interface
      • Install to NextHopGroup containing a NextHop that references (interface_ref) a down interface and override the destination MAC (mac_address), ensure that FIB_PROGRAMMED is returned.

Config Parameter coverage


Telemetry Parameter coverage


Protocol/RPC Parameter coverage

  • gRIBI
    • Modify()
      • ModifyRequest:
        • AFTOperation:
          • id
          • network_instance
          • op
          • Ipv4
            • Ipv4EntryKey: prefix
            • Ipv4Entry: next_hop_group
          • next_hop_group
            • NextHopGroupKey: id
            • NextHopGroup: next_hop
          • next_hop
            • NextHopKey: id
            • NextHop:
              • ip_address
      • ModifyResponse:
        • AFTResult:
          • id
          • status
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