import_export_multi_test - bstoll/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

RT-7.11: BGP Policy - Import/Export Policy Action Using Multiple Criteria


The purpose of this test is to verify a combination of bgp conditions using matching and policy nesting as well as and actions in a single BGP import policy. Additional combinations may be added in the future as additonal subtests.

Testbed type

Testbed common configuration

This configuration initializes the testbed with configurations that are a pre-requisite for the test. This configuration should not be part of the test functions.

  • Testbed configuration - Setup eBGP sessions and prefixes

    • Generate config for 2 DUT and ATE ports where
      • DUT port 1 connects to ATE port 1.
      • DUT port 2 connects to ATE port 2.
    • Configure ATE port 1 with an external type BGP session to DUT port 1
      • DUT ASN 65000
      • ATE port 1 ASN 65100
      • ATE port 2 ASN 65200
      • Advertise ipv4 and ipv6 prefixes from ATE port 1 to DUT port 1 using the following communities:
      • prefix-set-1 with 2 ipv4 and 2 ipv6 routes with communities [ "10:1" ]
      • prefix-set-2 with 2 ipv4 and 2 ipv6 routes with communities [ "20:1" ]
      • prefix-set-3 with 2 ipv4 and 2 ipv6 routes with communities [ "30:1" ]
      • prefix-set-4 with 2 ipv4 and 2 ipv6 routes with communities [ "20:2", "30:3" ]
      • prefix-set-5 with 2 ipv4 and 2 ipv6 routes with communities [ "40:1" ]
      • prefix-set-6 with 2 ipv4 and 2 ipv6 routes with communities [ "50:1" ]
      • Configure accept_all policy
        • Create policy-definitions/policy-definition/config/name = "accept_all"
          • statements/statement/config/name = "accept"
          • actions/config/policy-result = "ACCEPT_ROUTE"
      • apply as an export and import policy on the DUT eBGP session to ATE port 1 and port 2.
  • Configure the following community sets on the DUT:

    • /routing-policy/defined-sets/bgp-defined-sets/ext-community-sets/ext-community-set/config
      • name = "reject_communities"
        • community-member = [ "10:1" ]
      • name = "accept_communities"
        • community-member = [ "20:1" ]
      • name = "regex_community"
        • community-member = [ "^30:.*$" ]
      • name = "add_communities"
        • community-member = [ "40:1", "40:2" ]
      • name "my_community"
        • community-member = [ "50:1" ]
      • name = "add_comm_60"
        • community-member = [ "60:1" ]
      • name = "add_comm_70"
        • community-member = [ "70:1" ]
  • Create an as-path-set on the DUT as follows

    • /routing-policy/defined-sets/bgp-defined-sets/as-path-sets/as-path-set/config/
      • as-path-set-name = "my_aspath"
      • as-path-set-member = "65100"
  • Validate bgp sessions and traffic

    • For IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes:
      • Observe received prefixes at ATE port-2.
    • Generate traffic from ATE port-2 to ATE port-1.
    • Validate
      • Traffic can be received on ATE port-1 for all installed routes.
      • Communities on ATE Port 2 are equal to those sent by ATE Port1
      • as-path shall be "65100 65000"
      • Local-Preference should be not present
      • MED should be not present


RT-7.11.1 - Create a bgp policy containing the following conditions and actions

  • Summary of this policy

    • Reject route matching any communities in a community-set.
    • Reject route matching another policy (nested) and not matching a community-set.
    • Add a community-set if missing that same community-set.
    • Add two communities and set localpref if matching a community and prefix-set.
    • Set MED if matching an aspath
  • Define a policy that will be called from another policy

    • policy-definitions/policy-definition/config/name: "match_community_regex"
      • statements/statement/config/name: "match_community_regex"
        • conditions/bgp-conditions/match-community-set/config/
          • community-set: "regex-community"
          • match-set-options: "ANY"
        • actions/config/policy-result = "NEXT_STATEMENT"
  • Create policy-definitions/policy-definition/config/name = "multi_policy"

    • statements/statement/config/name = "reject_route_community"

      • conditions/bgp-conditions/match-community-set/config
        • community-set = "reject_communities"
        • match-set-options = "ANY"
      • actions/config/policy-result = "REJECT_ROUTE"
    • statements/statement/config/name = "if_30:.*_and_not_20:1_nested_reject"

      • conditions/config/call-policy = "match_community_regex"
      • conditions/bgp-conditions/match-community-set/config/
        • community-set = "accept_communities"
        • match-set-options = "INVERT"
      • actions/config/policy-result = "REJECT_ROUTE"
    • statements/statement/config/name = "add_communities_if_missing"

      • conditions/bgp-conditions/match-community-set/config/
        • community-set-refs = "add-communities"
        • match-set-options: "INVERT"
      • actions/bgp-actions/set-community/reference/config/
        • community-set-refs = "add-communities"
        • method = "REFERENCE"
        • option = "ADD"
      • actions/config/policy-result = "NEXT_STATEMENT"
    • statements/statement/config/name: "match_comm_and_prefix_add_2_community_sets"

      • conditions/bgp-conditions/match-community-set/config
        • community-set = "my_community"
        • match-set-options = "ANY"
      • conditions/match-prefix-set/config
        • prefix-set = "prefix-set-5"
        • match-set-options = "ANY"
      • actions/bgp-actions/set-community/config
        • method = "REFERENCE"
        • option = "ADD"
        • community-set-refs = "add_comm_60", "add_comm_70"
      • actions/bgp-actions/config/set-local-pref = 5
      • actions/config/policy-result = "NEXT_STATEMENT"
    • statements/statement/config/name: "match_aspath_set_med"

      • conditions/bgp-conditions/match-as-path-set/config/
        • as-path-set = "my_aspath"
        • match-set-options = "ANY"
      • actions/bgp-actions/config/
        • set-med = 100
      • actions/config/policy-result = "ACCEPT_ROUTE"
  • Use gnmi Set REPLACE option to configure the policies above on the DUT at this subtree level:

    • /routing-policy/policy-definitions

RT-7.11.2 Attach multi_policy as import policy

  • Use gnmi Set REPLACE option to apply the policy on the DUT bgp neighbor to the ATE port 1.
    • at this subtree level: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/apply-policy
      • Set the value config/import-policy = "multi-policy"

RT-7.11.3 Verify import_multi_policy expected attributes are present

  • Verify expected attributes are present in ATE.

NOTE: (At the time of writing, the APIs necesary to do this validation are not yet available via the OTG API. A feature enhancement has been submitted.)

RT-7.11.4 Configure export_multi_policy

This replace method should guarantee that the previous step's import-policy is removed.

  • Use gnmi Set REPLACE option to apply the policy on the DUT bgp neighbor to the ATE port 1.
    • at this subtree level: /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/apply-policy
      • Set the value config/export-policy = "multi-policy"

RT-7.11.5 Verify export_multi_policy expected attributes are present

  • Verify expected attributes are present in ATE.

Multi_policy results observed on ATE port 2 for both import and export cases

Received Communities as-path lpref med Notes
prefix-set-1 False n/a n/a n/a n/a rejected by statement reject_route_community
prefix-set-2 True [ "20:1", "40:1", "40:2" ] 65000 65100 n/a 100 accepted
prefix-set-3 False n/a n/a n/a n/a rejected by statement if_30:.*_and_not_20:1_nested_reject
prefix-set-4 False n/a n/a n/a n/a rejected by statement if_30:.*_and_not_20:1_nested_reject
prefix-set-5 True [ "40:1","40:2", "60:1", "70:1" ] 65000 65100 5 100 accepted and match_comm_and_prefix_add_2_community_sets
prefix-set-6 True [ "10:1", "40:1", "40:2" ] 65000 65100 n/a 100 accepted

OpenConfig Path and RPC Coverage

The below yaml defines the OC paths intended to be covered by this test. OC paths used for test setup are not listed here.

  ## Config Paths ##
  # Policy definition

  # Policy for community-set configuration

  # Policy for match configuration



  # Policy for bgp actions

  # Policy for bgp attachment

  ## State Paths ##
  # Policy definition state

  # Policy for community-set match state

  # Paths to verify policy state

  # Paths to verify prefixes sent and received


Minimum DUT Required

vRX - Virtual Router Device

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️