fabric_redundancy_test - bstoll/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

gNMI-1.16 Fabric redundnacy test


  • collect inventory data for each fabric card
  • Verify last restart time is updated
  • verify traffic could be forwarded with one of Fabric Card inactive.


topology and basic setup

  • Connect OTG port1 to DUT port1 and OTG port2 to DUT port2
  • Configure IPv6 addresses on both links

test 1 Fabric inventory

  • collect following attributes for each component of FABRIC_CARD type and verify corectness (mostly non-empty string)
    • /components/component/state/description
    • /components/component/state/hardware-version
    • /components/component/state/id
    • /components/component/state/mfg-name
    • /components/component/state/name
    • /components/component/state/oper-status
    • /components/component/state/parent
    • /components/component/state/part-no
    • /components/component/state/serial-no
    • /components/component/state/type
    • /components/component/state/location
    • /components/component/state/last-reboot-time
  • store list of present components of FABRIC_CARD type

test 2 redundancy

  • Power down exectly one component of fabric type
  • Run traffic between ATE por1 and port 2 for 16 millions of packets on 100kpps rate and using 4000B packets.
  • verify loss-lessness (with 10E-6 tolerance); Since remaining fabric is not overloaded in any form with above traffic pattern 0 losses is expected
  • Power up all components

test 3 last reboot time

  • Select one component from list of available
  • store last-reboot-time for this component as "PREVIOUS_REBOOT_TIME"
  • Power down this component, wait 60 sec.
  • Power up this component
  • Wait
  • get last-reboot-time and compare with "PREVIOUS_REBOOT_TIME". The "PREVIOUS_REBOOT_TIME" must be smaller (earlier) then recently collected last-reboot-time

Config Parameter coverage

  • /components/component/fabric/config/power-admin-state

Telemetry Parameter coverage

  • /components/component/fabric/state/power-admin-state
  • /components/component/state/description
  • /components/component/state/hardware-version
  • /components/component/state/id
  • /components/component/state/mfg-name
  • /components/component/state/name
  • /components/component/state/oper-status
  • /components/component/state/parent
  • /components/component/state/part-no
  • /components/component/state/serial-no
  • /components/component/state/type
  • /components/component/state/location
  • /components/component/state/last-reboot-time

Minimum DUT platform requirement

  • MFF
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