bgp_prefix_limit_test - bstoll/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

RT-1.5: BGP Prefix Limit


BGP Prefix Limit


  • Configure eBGP session between ATE port-1 and DUT port-1,with an Accept-route all import-policy/export-policy under the neighbor AFI/SAFI.
  • With maximum prefix limits of unlimited, and N.
    • Advertise prefixes of limit - 1, limit, limit + 1. Validate session state meets expected value at ATE.
    • Ensure that DUT marks session as prefix-limit exceeded for limit+1 prefixes.
  • Advertise prefixes to exceed configured limit, and to limit - 1 following session teardown, ensure session is re-established per the restart timer (with ATE session marked as passive).
  • With maximum-prefix warning-only configured, ensure that the routes that were sent prior to the max-prefix being exceeded are retained in the routing table by forwarding traffic to prefix{0..n-1} and prefix{n} where n is the maximum prefix limit configured.

Config Parameter coverage

For prefixes:

  • /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/peer-groups/peer-group/
  • /network-instances/network-instance/protocols/protocol/bgp/neighbors/neighbor


  • afi-safis/afi-safi/ipv4-unicast/prefix-limit/config/max-prefixes
  • afi-safis/afi-safi/ipv4-unicast/prefix-limit/config/restart-timer

Telemetry Parameter coverage

  • TODO: afi-safis/afi-safi/ipv[46]-unicast/prefix-limit/state/restart-timer
  • TODO: afi-safis/afi-safi/ipv[46]-unicast/prefix-limit/state/warning-threshold-pct
  • TODO: afi-safis/afi-safi/ipv[46]-unicast/prefix-limit/state/max-prefix-limit
  • TODO: afi-safis/afi-safi/ipv[46]-unicast/prefix-limit/state/prefix-limit-exceeded

Protocol/RPC Parameter coverage


Minimum DUT platform requirement


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️