bgp_long_lived_graceful_restart - bstoll/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

RT-1.14: BGP Long-Lived Graceful Restart


BGP Long-Lived Graceful Restart


  • Establish BGP sessions as follows between ATE and DUT
    • ATE Port-1 -------- DUT Port-1.
    • DUT Port-2 -------- ATE Port-2.
  • Validate received capabilities at DUT and ATE reflect support for graceful restart at the default timer values.
  • For IPv4 and IPv6 routes:
    • Advertise prefixes from ATE to DUT.
    • Trigger DUT session restart by disconnecting TCP session between DUT - ATE Port2 and determine that:
      • Forwarded traffic between between ATE port-1 and DUT port-1 for the duration of the
        specified stale routes time (default), during the stale state traffic shouldnt be impacted. 
      • Dropped after the stale routes timer has expired.
      • Forwarded again between ATE port-1 and DUT port-1 after the session is re-established.
    • Enable Long-Lived Graceful Restart on a per-bgp neighbor basis on DUT. Specify the LLGR timer to be configured to be 600 seconds. Trigger DUT session restart.
      • Ensure that the stale prefixes are not withdrawn until the end of the LLGR timer value. 
      • Ensure that prefixes are withdrawn, and traffic cannot be forwarded between ATE port-1 and port-2 after the LLGR timer expiry.
    • Induce
      • Import policy changes
      • Export policy changes
      • Add 5 more BGP peers
      • Remove 5 more BGP peers(block the BGP using filter)
      • Routing Process restart
    • During above mentioned changes, LLGR shouldn't be impacted and persist during/after the changes.

Config Parameter coverage

  • /global/graceful-restart
  • /global/graceful-restart/config
  • /global/graceful-restart/config/enabled
  • /global/graceful-restart/config/restart-time
  • /global/graceful-restart/config/stale-routes-time
  • /global/graceful-restart/config/helper-only
  • /global/afi-safis/afi-safi/graceful-restart
  • /global/afi-safis/afi-safi/graceful-restart/config
  • /global/afi-safis/afi-safi/graceful-restart/config/enabled
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/config
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/config/enabled
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/config/restart-time
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/config/stale-routes-time
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/config/helper-only
  • /neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/graceful-restart
  • /neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/graceful-restart/config
  • /neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/graceful-restart/config/enabled

Telemetry Parameter coverage

  • /global/graceful-restart/state
  • /global/graceful-restart/state/enabled
  • /global/graceful-restart/state/restart-time
  • /global/graceful-restart/state/stale-routes-time
  • /global/graceful-restart/state/helper-only
  • /global/afi-safis/afi-safi/graceful-restart/state
  • /global/afi-safis/afi-safi/graceful-restart/state/enabled
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/state
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/state/enabled
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/state/restart-time
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/state/stale-routes-time
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/state/helper-only
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/state/peer-restart-time
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/state/peer-restarting
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/state/local-restarting
  • /neighbors/neighbor/graceful-restart/state/mode
  • /neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/graceful-restart/state
  • /neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/graceful-restart/state/enabled
  • /neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/graceful-restart/state/received
  • /neighbors/neighbor/afi-safis/afi-safi/graceful-restart/state/advertised

Protocol/RPC Parameter coverage


Minimum DUT platform requirement


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️